diandian-oauth is a Ruby client for diandian API
## Initialize client ##
client ||= DiandianOAuth::Client.new config.client_id, config.client_secret, config.client_options
## Get authorization url ##
## Get access token with responded code ##
client.access_token CODE
## or Assign an existing access_token ##
client.access_token = {
:access_token => '312e7a48-8d05-4cd9-a3a9-044d2f47e2af',
:refresh_token => "79852349-5f2e-4e3b-93b8-845e239e61ff",
:token_type => "bearer",
:expires_in => 604799,
:expires_at => 1345201711,
:scope => "write read",
:uid => "11449"
## Basic usage ##
client.user_info # Get user_info
client.user_info! # Get user_info and refresh access_token if it has expired
client.create_post! :blogCName => BLOG_CNAME,
:type => 'text',
:state => 'published',
:title => 'Hello from diandian ruby client' # create a text post
client.create_post! :blogCName => BLOG_CNAME,
:type => 'photo',
:state => 'published',
:data => [Faraday::UploadIO.new(JPEG_IMAGE_PATH_1, 'image/jpeg'), Faraday::UploadIO.new(JPEG_IMAGE_PATH_2, 'image/jpeg')],
:itemDesc => %w[test test]
:caption => "<p>test</p>" # create a photo post
## Register a callback after the access_token is refreshed ##
DiandianOAuth::Client.token_refreshed (lambda{|client, uid, token|
puts "token_refreshed: '#{uid}': #{token}'"
## Handle the response ##
response = client.an_interface! params # response is an instance of DiandianOAuth::Response
unless response.success?
## handle errors here
puts response.error
puts response.meta
puts response.response # the response part of the server response
response.validate! #this invocation will raise corresponding error for an error response
rescue APIException => e
#handle errors here
response.internal # the original response, an instance of Faraday::Response
Supported Interfaces
All the interfaces supported(/registerd) can be found at lib/diandian_oauth/api.rb which include
- interface :user_info, Interface::UserInfo
- interface :user_likes, Interface::UserLikes
- interface :user_followings, Interface::UserFollowings
- interface :my_tags, Interface::MyTags
- interface :blog_info, Interface::BlogInfo
- interface :blog_avatar, Interface::BlogAvatar
- interface :blog_followers, Interface::BlogFollowers
- interface :posts, Interface::Posts
- interface :post_info, Interface::PostInfo
- interface :create_post, Interface::CreatePost
- interface :delete_post, Interface::DeletePost
- interface :reblog_post, Interface::ReblogPost
- interface :home_feeds, Interface::HomeFeeds
- interface :tag_feeds, Interface::TagFeeds
- interface :follow, Interface::Follow
- interface :unfollow, Interface::Unfollow
- interface :watch_tag, Interface::WatchTag
- interface :unwatch_tag, Interface::UnwatchTag
- interface :submissions, Interface::Submissions
- interface :submit, Interface::Submit
- interface :reject_submission, Interface::RejectSubmission
Extend Interface
Extend DiandianOAuth::API::Interface::Base
class NewInterface < DiandianOAuth::API::Interface::Base end
Declare the request verb( default is get) and params
verb :get param :limit, :required => false param :offset, :required => false
Override request_url to generate request_url
Register interface to the API object
API.interface :new_interface, NewInterface
- group param declarations to enable a refined parameters checking
- make the error processing more robust
- give more advises to diandain to help them make their API more feasible