Diff Influence
Search influence of git diff.
- Git ( support only git diff command. )
- Ruby ( support only Ruby 1.8.7 or later. )
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'diff_influence', group: :development
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install diff_influence
[]: optional(overrides .diff-influence)
Usage: diff-influence [Options]
-c --commit id1,id2,... git commit id(s) uses diff (default: none)
-d --dir dir1,dir2,... path(s) to search file (default: app,lib)
-e --ext ext1,ext2,... extension(s) to search file (default: rb)
-i --ignore method1,method2,... ignore methods (default: new, index)
-g --grep use grep command with OS
-P --print print config values
-D --debug print debugging information to console
Feature Options:
-o --output path to output file (default: STDOUT)
Permanent Options
Diff Influence laad .diff-influece file in the root of your repository or home.
:commits: []
- app
- lib
- rb
- new
- index
:os_grep: false
:debug: false
You can display examples of .diff-influence file definitions using the -P option.