Collection of combinatorial test generation strategies.
a c++ compiler is required when installing on mri. tested on gcc 4.6, gcc 5.3, and clang 3.7.
Pairwise Testing
IPOG (In-Parameter-Order-General) is an efficient deterministic alogrithm.
require 'dither'
# 2-way
Dither.ipog([[true, false],
[:cat, :dog, :mouse],
# 3-way
Dither.ipog([[true, false],
[true, false],
[:cat, :dog, :mouse],
:t => 3)
# 3-way with constraints and previously tested cases
Dither.ipog([[true, false],
[true, false],
[:cat, :dog, :mouse],
:t => 3,
:constraints => [
{ 1 => 0, 2 => 0 }, # exclude true and cat
{ 1 => 0, 2 => 1, 3 => 4 }, # exclude true :dog 4 combinations
:previously_tested => [[true, true, :cat, 0]])
AETG non-deterministic alogrithm for pairwise testing.
require 'dither'
# 2-way
Dither.aetg([[true, false],
[:cat, :dog, :mouse],
# 3-way
Dither.aetg([[true, false],
[true, false],
[:cat, :dog, :mouse],
:t => 3,
:seed => 0, # set the seed on the random number generator
:constraints => [
{ 1 => 0, 2 => 0 }, # exclude true and cat
{ 1 => 0, 2 => 1, 3 => 4 }, # exclude true :dog 4 combinations
:previously_tested => [[true, true, :cat, 0]])
Graph Models (Experimental)
raw_graph = {
:origin => 0,
:edges => [
:name => :a,
:src_vertex => 0,
:dst_vertex => 1,
:name => :b,
:src_vertex => 0,
:dst_vertex => 2,
:name => :c,
:src_vertex => 1,
:dst_vertex => 2,
:name => :d,
:src_vertex => 1,
:dst_vertex => 3,
:name => :e,
:src_vertex => 2,
:dst_vertex => 3,
:name => :f,
:src_vertex => 3,
:dst_vertex => 0,
# shortest path to cover all edges at least once
Random walk on a graph. Each edge has equal weight.
raw_graph = {
:origin => 0,
:edges => [
:name => :a,
:src_vertex => 0,
:dst_vertex => 1,
:name => :b,
:src_vertex => 0,
:dst_vertex => 2,
:name => :c,
:src_vertex => 1,
:dst_vertex => 2,
:name => :d,
:src_vertex => 1,
:dst_vertex => 3,
:name => :e,
:src_vertex => 2,
:dst_vertex => 3,
:name => :f,
:src_vertex => 3,
:dst_vertex => 0,
graph = Dither::Graph.create(raw_graph)
# infinite sequence of random walks
graph.each do |path|
puts path.map(&:name).to_s
Note on Patches/Pull Requests
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches
includes dither-java Apache License, Version 2.0
Copyright (c) 2015 Jason Gowan See LICENSE for details.