pastebin¶ ↑
pastebin is a CLI to Usage: pastebin [options] Examples: pastebin -f foo.rb -t ruby -e ‘10 Minutes’ cat | pastebin -f - -t perl
-f, --file <file> Use a file for input, use "-" for STDIN -n, --name <name> Assign a name/title to your paste -s, --subdomain <subdomain> Paste to a specific subdomain -r, --raw <link> Return raw text from a paste link -e, --expire <time> These can be abbriviated, as long as they are unambigous. Defaults to '1 Month' Never, 10 Minutes, 1 Hour, 1 Day, 1 Month -l, --language <syntax> Syntax types can be abbriviated, as long as they are unambigous. There are many more supported languages than what is listed here. Defaults to 'text' perl, python, c, ruby, bash, cpp, groovy, latex, java, php, sql, xml -p, --private Make paste private. -h, --help Show this message
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Copyright © 2010 dougsko. See LICENSE for details.