A command line search interface to programming language/framework documentation in the Dash application (Mac OSX) with optional docset keyword filters.
Install the Ruby gem with the following command:
$ gem install dsh
You can use the same command to upgrade to a new release.
To search across all language docsets, simply enter your search query after the dsh
dsh <search_term(s)>
To restrict your search to a specific programming language/framework docset, use the -l
flag with a docset keyword as the argument:
dsh -l <language> <query>
You can find the language docset keyword in Preferences > Docsets:
Enter the keyword that is displayed in your preferences without the colon symbol (:).
Search across all Dash docsets:
dsh string
Restrict search to documentation for a specific language:
dsh -l python3 print
Use a multiple word search:
dsh -l manpages 'git diff'
MIT License
v0.2.3 - minor fixes to exception handling
v0.2.2 - removed repository image (was being pushed with the gem unintentionally...)
v0.2.1 - added support for multiple word queries
v0.2.0 - exception handling for incorrect CL switches/flags/arguments
v0.1.1 - documentation update and CL flag changes
v0.1.0 - initial release
✪ Chris