Dummy generates dummy data in a clever way.
It can generate a lot of dummy data from company names to postal codes.
While it allows you to specifically request a type of information, it can also try to determine what you're looking for given a couple of parameters.
$ gem install dummy
To ask for cleverly generated dummy data:
Dummy.magic_data(field, type)
require "dummy"
Dummy.magic_data("mail", :string) => "nyasia@hotmail.com"
Dummy.magic_data("company_motto", :string) => "engineer intuitive functionalities"
Dummy.magic_data("state", :string) => "Louisiana"
Dummy.magic_data("lat", :float) => -86.718683637
Dummy.magic_data("phone", :integer) => 9462876293
You can also use its submodules for specific data:
Dummy::Name.first_name => "Muhammad"
Dummy::Internet.url => "https://david.grady.biz"
Dummy::Address.street_address => "10273 Delaney Extensions"
Have a look in the rdoc for all available generators.
More information
Dummy has a few caveats which are on the TODO list.
Those are:
- It is an English speaking gem. It will not be smart at all if your column is named telefone (Portuguese for phone) or if you want a zip code from outside the US.
Copyright (c) 2010 Gonçalo Silva