NB This code is old, it was written while I was still getting a handle on ruby and it honestly upsets me but I'm a believer in leaving your mistakes in a place you can see them. Do Not Use
A very lightweight ORMish model thing for amazon's dynamo db, after initialising the aws-sdk with something like:
amazon_config_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w[.. config amazon.config.yml])
amazon_config = YAML.load(File.read(amazon_config_path))
You can create table models with this kind of syntax:
class Conversion
include Dynameek::Model
field :client_id, :integer
field :channel_id, :string
field :goal_name, :string
field :time, :datetime
multi_column_hash_key [:client_id, :channel_id]
range :time
Creation of the models is as you'd expect
con = Conversion.create(:client_id => 1, :channel_id => "google", :goal_name=> "Some Goal", :time => DateTime.now)
The models can be edited like normal (no update_attributes yet though)
Deletion also happens as you'd expect
Conversion.query(["1", "google"]).delete
These models can be queried by find and query, although this is still undergoing some refactoring at the moment it currently looks something like this:
Conversion.find([1, "google"], DateTime.new([Some existing datetime]))
Conversion.query(["1", "google"]).where(DateTime.now, :lt).where(DateTime.now - 10, :gte).all
NB. The where clauses are only for referencing the range part of the composite hash key, there is currently no way to search by hash contents as that felt like it was against the point of a document store.
Disclaimery Bit
The gem is dynameek (unsurprisingly) but I wouldn't use it yet, far better to clone down the project and modify it for your own use.