

The project is in a healthy, maintained state
High level plug-and-play interface for composing Machine Learning applications



>= 2.0, < 4
~> 2.0
~> 0.1.19
>= 0
>= 0
~> 1.42
~> 0.1.6
>= 0
 Project Readme

EasyML Logo


You can't do machine learning in Ruby.

Deploy models in minutes, not months.

What is EasyML?

EasyML is a low code/no code, end-to-end machine learning framework for Ruby on Rails.

Get productionized models in minutes. It takes the guesswork out of:

  • Preprocessing data
  • Storing and batch computing features
  • Training models
  • Metric visualization
  • Deployment and versioning
  • Evaluating model performance

With a dead-simple point-and-click interface, EasyML makes it stupid easy to train and deploy.

Oh yeah, and it's open source!


  • No Code (if you want): EasyML ships as a Rails engine. Just mount it in your app and get started.
  • Opinionated Framework: Provides a structured approach to data and model management, ensuring best practices are followed.
  • Model Lifecycle On Rails: Want predictions directly from your Rails app? You can do that.
  • Easily Extensible: Want a model that's not supported? Send a pull request!

Current and Planned Features

Models Available

XGBoost LightGBM TensorFlow PyTorch

Datasources Available

S3 File Polars SQL Databases REST APIs

Note: Features marked with ❌ are part of the roadmap and are not yet implemented.

Quick Start:

Building a Production pipeline is as easy as 1,2,3!

1. Install EasyML In Your Existing Rails App

gem install easy_ml
mount EasyML::Engine, at: "easy_ml"
rails generate easy_ml:migration
bundle exec rake db:migrate

Add a .env file with the following contents:

WANDB_API_KEY=<your_api_key> # if you want to use Wandb for logging

And make sure you run the easy_ml queue to process jobs, or run via docker

bundle exec rake resque:workers QUEUE=easy_ml COUNT=5
# or
docker compose up

2. Create Your Dataset

Navigate to localhost:3000/easy_ml, and use the web UI to build your datasource + dataset, or create them in your rails console:

datasource = EasyML::Datasource.create(name: "My Datasource", datasource_type: "s3", s3_bucket: "my-bucket", s3_prefix: "my-prefix")
dataset = EasyML::Dataset.create(name: "My Dataset", datasource: datasource)
dataset.refresh # Sync datasource. If you do via web UI, this will happen automatically

Once your dataset is created, preprocess your features to remove any nulls and encode string/categorical features. The web UI is your best friend here!

Alternatively, you can do it directly in your console:

dataset.columns.find_by(name: "Sex").update({
  preprocessing_steps: {
    training: {
      method: "most_frequent",
      encoding: "one_hot",
      params: {
        categorical_min: 2 # How many instances need to be present to define a category? E.g. If at least 2 rows are "Male", then "Sex_male" is a category.

3. Train a Model

The web UI is always the move! But you can also do it directly in your console:

model = EasyML::Model.create(
  model_type: "xgboost",
  task: "classification", # or regression
  objective: "binary:logistic", # or "reg:squarederror"
  dataset: dataset,
  hyperparameters: {
    learning_rate: 0.05,
    max_depth: 8,
    n_estimators: 10,

Running Predictions

There are two ways to run predictions, via ActiveRecord, or via API:

Using ActiveRecord

Prefer to use EasyML::Predict over directly accessing EasyML::Model, because:

  1. Predict uses a singleton to keep the model preloaded, avoiding expensive initializations
  2. Predict records predictions in the predictions table
  3. Predict uses the latest deployed model version, whereas EasyML::Model loads the most recent version regardless of deployment status
EasyML::Predict.predict(model.slug, {"Age": 30, "Sex": "male"})

Using The API

First, you can use the describe API to get a list of accepted inputs

curl -L

Then, POST your inputs to localhost:3000/easy_ml/predictions

curl --location '' \
--X POST \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{

    "model": "article_traffic",
    "input": {
        "Author": "John Doe",
        "Category": "Banking",
        "Title": "Best Bank Account: Up to 3.46%",
        "Top keyword": "Hidden benefits of high yield savings accounts"

You can also pass type: "predict_proba" to get probability predictions

Advanced Techniques

1. Create Custom Evaluators

In app/evaluators, create a custom evaluator. This will be used during hyperparameter tuning to find the model that maximizes your objectives!

class MaximizeRevenue < EasyML::Evaluators::Base
  def direction
    :maximize # or minimize

  def description
    "Maximize revenue based on lead segmentation"

  def self.supports_task?(task)
    task == "classification"

  def evaluate(y_pred: [], y_true: [], x_true: nil, dataset: nil)
    # Your evaluation logic here

2. Using The Feature Store

The Feature Store is a powerful component of EasyML that helps you manage, compute, and serve features for your machine learning models. Here's how to use it effectively:

  1. Use fit for pre-computing features. This ensures that features are computed only once and stored for future use, including serving features in the online model.

  2. Use transform to read features from the feature store and decorate the input dataframe with new columns OR to compute features that can be computed using other columns.

A Simple Feature

For example, a simple feature that computes FamilySize based on NumSiblings and NumParents, can use just the transform method:

class FamilySizeFeature
  include EasyML::Features

  def transform(df, feature)
      (Polars.col("NumSiblings") + Polars.col("NumParents")).alias("FamilySize")

  feature name: "FamilySize",
          description: "Size of the family"

Pre-Computing A Feature

On the other hand, when you need to perform expensive pre-computation of a feature, you can use the fit method to store the result for future use, and transform to read it out:

class ExpensiveFeature
  include EasyML::Features

  def fit(df, feature)
    # expensive computation
    # whatever gets returned from here will be stored in the feature store

  def transform(df, feature)
    # read from feature store using feature.query
    feature_df = feature.query(filter: Polars.col("company_id").is_in(df["company_id"]))

    # Return the original dataframe with the new columns
      on: "company_id",
      how: "left"

  feature name: "Expensive Feature",
          description: "A feature that takes a long time to compute",
          primary_key: :company_id,
          batch_size: 1_000 # Will split data into jobs of 1000 company_ids

Setting Up Features

  1. Create a features directory in your application:
mkdir app/features
  1. Create feature classes in this directory. Each feature should include the EasyML::Features module:
class MyFeature
  include EasyML::Features

  def transform(df, feature)
    # Your feature transformation logic here

  feature name: "My Feature",
          description: "Description of what this feature does"

Defining Primary Keys & Batching

When you have a primary key, it serves two functions:

  1. Batch Key: The primary key is used to divide data into batches for efficient processing. The batch size refers to the number of primary keys in each batch. So if you have a regular, monotonically increasing primary key, you can set the batch size to 1_000_000, for example.

However, if your primary key refers to groups of records (e.g. group orders by customerid), you should consider setting the batch size to a smaller value (e.g. 100 average orders per customer * batchsize of 1_000 customer_ids = 100 * 1_000 = 100_000). Base your batch sizes on real-world data to ensure efficient processing.

  1. Data Partitioning: If you have a typical, numeric primary key, it will also be used to partition data in the feature store. This can help with efficient look-up during feature serving / the online API.
feature name: "Order size by customer",
        description: "Average order size per customer",
        primary_key: :customer_id,
        batch_size: 1_000 # Assuming we have 100 average orders per customer, this creates batches of ~100k records


  • Your transform methods must return the same number of rows as the input dataframe. Your fit method can pre-compute any number of rows, but the transform method is exclusively used for adding columns.

Real World Example

For features that require processing large datasets in chunks:

class LastConversionTimeFeature
  include EasyML::Features

  def batch(reader, feature)
    # Efficiently query only the company_id column for batching
    # This will create batches of batch_size records (default 1000)
    reader.query(select: ["company_id"], unique: true)["company_id"]

  def fit(reader, feature, options = {})
    batch_start = options.dig(:batch_start)
    batch_end = options.dig(:batch_end)

    # More efficient than is_in for continuous ranges
    df = reader.query(
      filter: Polars.col("company_id").is_between(batch_start, batch_end),
      select: ["id", "company_id", "converted_at", "created_at"],
      sort: ["company_id", "created_at"]

    # For each company, find the last time they converted before each application
    # This value will be cached in the feature store for fast inference retrieval

      # Also compute days since last conversion
      (Polars.col("created_at") - Polars.col("last_conversion_time"))
    ])[["id", "last_conversion_time", "days_since_last_conversion"]]

  def transform(df, feature)
    # Pull the pre-computed values from the feature store
    stored_df = feature.query(filter: Polars.col("id").is_in(df["id"]))
    return df if stored_df.empty?

    df.join(stored_df, on: "id", how: "left")

  feature name: "Last Conversion Time",
          description: "Computes the last time a company converted before each application",
          batch_size: 1000,  # Process 1000 companies at a time
          primary_key: "id",
          cache_for: 24.hours  # Cache feature values for 24 hours after running fit

This example demonstrates several key concepts:

  1. Efficient Batching: The batch method uses the reader to lazily query only the necessary column for batching
  2. Batches Groups Together: All records with the same company_id need to be in the same batch to properly compute the feature, so we create a custom batch (instead of using the primary key id column, which would split up companies into different batches)
  3. Column Selection: Only selects required columns in the reader query
  4. Feature Computation: Computes multiple related features (last conversion time and days since) in a single pass.
  5. Automatic Feature Store Caching: The feature store automatically caches feature values returned from the fit method

Performance Optimization

Caching During Development

Use cache_for to save processing time during development:

feature name: "My Feature",
        cache_for: 24.hours # After running fit, this feature will be cached for 24 hours (unless new data is read from datasource, like S3)

Early Returns

Always implement early returns in your transform method to avoid unnecessary reprocessing:

def transform(df, feature)
  return df if df["required_column"].nil?
  # Feature computation logic

Using Reader vs DataFrame

  • The Polars reader is a lazy reader that allows you to query data incrementally.
  • If your feature includes a batch method or uses the batch_size variable, you will receive a reader instead of a dataframe in the fit method
def fit(reader, feature)
  df = reader.query(select: ["column1", "column2"])
  # Process only needed columns
  • If you don't have a batch method or don't use the batch_size variable, you will receive a dataframe in the fit method
def fit(df, feature)
  # process directly on dataframe

- To ensure you get a reader instead of a dataframe, include the `batch` method

def batch(reader, feature)
  reader.query(select: ["column1"])["column1"]

feature name: "My Feature", batch_size: 1_000

Production Considerations

Handling Missing Data

When processing historical data:

  1. Check for missing dates:
def transform(df, feature)
  missing_dates =, end_date)
  return df if missing_dates.empty?

  # Process only missing dates
  process_dates(df, missing_dates)

Best Practices

  1. Always specify a primary_key to allow the feature store to partition your data
  2. Use batch/fit to process large datasets in batches
  3. Use batch/fit to allow faster inference feature computation
  4. Use transform-only features when all required columns will be available on the inference dataset
  5. Use cache_for to save processing time during development
  6. Only query necessary columns using the reader

Using the Rails Models

A few helpful methods to help you understand the internal workings of the library:

d = EasyML::Dataset.find_by(name: "My Dataset") # Returns the raw data as a Polars::DataFrame # Returns the processed data as a Polars::DataFrame 1, filter: Polars.col("Id").eq(1), select: ["column1", "column2"]) # You can limit, filter, and select directly on the processed data, which lazily queries the dataset
d.columns # Returns the columns as an array of EasyML::Column
d.refresh # Refreshes the dataset, if necessary
d.refresh! # Forces a refresh of the dataset
column = d.columns.first # Returns the raw data as a Polars::DataFrame # Returns the processed data as a Polars::DataFrame"Id").eq(1)) # You can run Polars expressions directly ["otherColumn"])


Install necessary Python dependencies

  1. Install Python dependencies (don't worry, all code is in Ruby, we just call through to Python)
pip install wandb optuna
  1. Install the gem:

    gem install easy_ml
  2. Run the generator to store model versions:

    rails generate easy_ml:migration
    rails db:create # If this is a new app
    rails db:migrate
  3. Add the easy_ml dir to your .gitignore — This is where datasets and model files will be downloaded

# .gitignore

Upgrading From An Earlier Version of EasyML

When upgrading, ensure you run the following commands to update the gem and database schema, in case you're missing any migrations

rails g easy_ml:migration # To install missing migrations
bundle exec rake db:create


  1. Install Appraisals gemfiles:
bundle exec appraisal install
  1. Creating a test app:

a. Follow the typical steps b. Declare an environment variable: EASY_ML_DEV=true, using Figaro, dotenv, or similar to load develoment assets c. Run bin/vite dev in both the easy_ml gem and test app directories d. If you don't see assets, it's likely your EASY_ML_DEV attribute isn't set! Ensure this is loaded early in your application.rb so it's picked up by the engine — if all else fails, try explicitly running EASY_ML_DEV=true rails s

  1. Building production assets
  1. Building the new gem version:
  1. Adding migrations

Update the migration_generator.rb file to install the new migrations, and run:

rake easy_ml:create_test_migrations && bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:migrate
rake easy_ml:annotate_models
  1. Ensure you run tests against all supported Rails versions

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/easy_ml. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the EasyML project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.

Expected Future Enhancements

  • Support for Additional Models: Integration with LightGBM, TensorFlow, and PyTorch.
  • Expanded Data Source Support: Ability to pull data from SQL databases and REST APIs.
  • Enhanced Deployment Options: More flexible deployment strategies and integration with CI/CD pipelines.
  • Advanced Monitoring and Logging: Improved tools for monitoring model performance and logging.
  • User Interface Improvements: Enhanced UI components for managing models and datasets.