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Formatters to shove test results into elastic search


~> 1.10
>= 0
~> 10.0


 Project Readme


Store the results of your test runs in Elasticsearch via custom formatters.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'elastic_results'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install elastic_results

Cucumber Usage

Add this line to your features/support/env.rb file:

require 'elastic_results/cucumber'

Tell cucumber to use elastic_results:

bundle exec cucumber  --format ElasticResults::Cucumber::Formatter

Tell cucumber to use elastic_results but still give normal output:

bundle exec cucumber --format pretty --format ElasticResults::Cucumber::Formatter -o /dev/null

Make this the default by adding the following to config/cucumber.yml

default: --format pretty --format ElasticResults::Cucumber::Formatter -o /dev/null

Cucumber 1.X

Elastic results supports older versions of cucumber through the legacy formatter.

Add this line to your features/support/env.rb file:

require 'elastic_results/legacy_cucumber'

Tell cucumber to use elastic_results:

bundle exec cucumber  --format ElasticResults::Cucumber::LegacyFormatter

RSpec Usage

Add this line to your spec_helper.rb file:

require 'elastic_results/rspec'

Tell rspec to use elastic_results:

bundle exec rspec -r 'elastic_results/rspec'  --format ElasticResults::RSpec::Formatter

Tell rspec to use elastic_results but still give normal output:

bundle exec rspec -r 'elastic_results/rspec'  --format ElasticResults::RSpec::Formatter --format progress

Make this the default by adding the following to spec_helper.rb

RSpec.configure do |config|
  config.add_formatter 'ElasticResults::RSpec::Formatter'
  config.add_formatter 'progress'
  # the rest of your rspec configuration

Then run rspec as normal.

SimpleCov Usage

Add this lines to your spec_helper.rb file:

require 'elastic_results/simplecov'
SimpleCov.formatters = [SimpleCov::Formatter::HTMLFormatter, ElasticResults::SimpleCov::Formatter]

Then run simplecov as normal.


elastic_results exposes several configuration points that can be set via environment variables or by accssing them on the ElasticResults module:

ENV ElasticResults Default Notes
ES_URL es_url http://localhost The URL where elasticsearch can be reached
ES_INDEX_RESULT es_index_result test_results-YYYY-MM-DD The index to post test results to. The default uses a prefix of test_results and a suffix of today's date
ES_TYPE_RESULT es_type_result test_result The data type to use for test results.
ES_INDEX_COVERAGE es_index_coverage coverage-YYYY-MM-DD The index to post coverage data to. The default uses a prefix of coverage and a suffix of today's date
ES_TYPE_COVERAGE es_type_coverage simplecov The data type to use for coverage data.
ES_LOG es_log ENV['DEBUG'] Log calls to elasticsearch to STDOUT? (useful for debugging elastic_results)
SUITE_NAME suite_name Dir.pwd The name of your suite. If not given, it will be guessed using the name of the current folder when you launch your tests.
SUITE_TYPE suite_type integration The type of suite you're running. i.e. unit, integration, regression, etc
GIT_COMMIT Output of: git rev-parse HEAD The git revision being tested. Jenkins will set this in CI, otherwise it's pulled from git.
GIT_URL Output of: git config --get remote.origin.url The url to the git repo being used. Jenkins will set this in CI, otherwise it's pulled from git.
GIT_BRANCH Output of: git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD The git branch being used. Jenkins will set this in CI, otherwise it's pulled from git.
TEAM_NAME team_name ??? The name of your team. This makes it possible to slice your results easier.
BUILD_URL The url to your Jenkins build if any. Set by Jenkins.
NODE_NAME Socket.gethostname The node that ran the test. Set by Jenkins, or pulled from the machine.
BUILD_NUMBER MMDDYYHHMMSSUU The jenkins build number. If not present, a fake build number will be built using the current date/time down to the millisecond.
JOB_NAME The jenkins job name.
BUILD_TAG The jenkins build tag.
TEST_ENV/RAILS_ENV The enivironment the tests were run against. Will use TEST_ENV if present, otherwise will use RAILS_ENV
use_unsafe_index true if WebMock is defined, otherwise false If true, validation of the SSL cert for the elasticsearch host will be skipped. Useful when your testing tools break things.

Example config block:

ElasticResults.team_name = 'MyTeam - MySubTeam'
ElasticResults.suite_type = 'unit'
ElasticResults.kibana_url = 'https://kibana.mycompany.com'
ElasticResults.es_url =  %w(https://es1.mycompany.net:9200 https://es1.mycompany.net:9200).sample


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake false to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/covermymeds/elastic_results