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Encrypts and decrypts environment variables


~> 1.9, >= 1.9.2
~> 5.0, >= 5.0.7
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Gem Version


This is a custom gem for helping encrypt /config/secrets.yml files for older Rails versions not support the Rails credential feature


gem install encrypt_env


encrypt_env setup                                  # To setup for the firt time

encrypt_env show                                   # To show environment variables of current environment
encrypt_env show -a                                # To show all environment variables
encrypt_env show -e [environment]                  # To show specific environment variables
encrypt_env show [variable_name] -e [environment]  # To show value of specific variable

encrypt_env edit                                   # To edit environment variables of current environment
encrypt_env edit -e [environment]                  # To edit specific environment variables
encrypt_env edit [variable_name] -e [environment]  # To edit value of specific variable

encrypt_env create variable_name                   # To create environment variable in current environment
encrypt_env create variable_name -e [environment]  # To create environment variable in specific environment
# To create environment variable in specific environment with value and type
encrypt_env create variable_name -s [value] -e [environment]
encrypt_env create variable_name -s [value] -e [environment] -t [type]

encrypt_env delete variable_name                   # To delete environment variable in current environment
encrypt_env delete variable_name -e [environment]  # To delete environment variable in specific environment


Run this command

encrypt_env setup

You will have 2 options for encrypt/decrypt.

1. Generate only one master key and one secrets.yml.enc for all environment
2. Generate key and encrypted files for each environment

You need to specify secret_key_base in rails app. Add this command:

# config/application.rb

config.secret_key_base = EncryptEnv.secrets.secret_key_base

After setup, encrypted files will be stored in encrypt_enc directory and keys to decrypt will be stored in master_key directory.

  • Example:

    # /config/secrets.yml
    default: &default
        gem: "encrypt_env"
        <<: *default
        key: 123456
        <<: *default
        key: 654321
    • Option 1: Will generate master_key/master.key file and encrypt_enc/secrets.yml.enc file. Decrypting secrets.yml.enc file will use the key stored in master.key file. The decrypted data will be:

          "default" => {
              gem: "encrypt_env"
          "development" => {
              gem: "encrypt_env",
              key: 123456
          "production" => {
              gem: "encrypt_env",
              key: 654321
    • Option 2: Will generate master_key/master_development.key, master_key/master_production.key, encrypt_enc/secrets_development.yml.enc and encrypt_enc/secrets_production.yml.enc file. Decrypting secrets_development.yml.enc file will use the key stored in master_development.key. The decrypted data will be: { gem: "encrypt_env", key: 123456 }

      Note: The master key can be store in MASTER_KEY environment variable


To show environment variable of current environment

encrypt_env show                        # default: show all of environment variable of current environment
encrypt_env show -e development         # show all of environment variable of development environment
encrypt_env show -e production

To show all environment variables of all environment

encrypt_env show -a

To show the value of specific environment variable

encrypt_env show key                    # default: show value of 'key' variable in current environment
encrypt_env show key -e production      # show value of 'key' variable in 'production' environment


To create new variable environment. This action is only for Option 2

encrypt_env create new_key                    # default: create 'new_key' variable in current environment
encrypt_env create new_key -e production      # create 'new_key' variable in production environment
encrypt_env create new_key -s 123 -t integer  # create 'new_key' variable in 'integer' type and has value of 123

# To create environment variable in specific environment with value and type
encrypt_env create key -s 1.2 -t float -e production

Note: Supported variable types include ["integer", "float", "string", "boolean"]. You can choose type after if you don't provide the type of variable in the -t flag.


To edit environment variables. The default editor is vim. You must install vim to edit.

encrypt_env edit                        # edit all variables of current environment

# only for option 2
encrypt_env edit -e production          # edit all variables of 'production' environment

To edit specific variable. This action is only for Option 2

# only for option 2
encrypt_env edit key_base                # default: edit 'key_base' variable of current environment
encrypt_env edit key_base -e production  # edit 'key_base' variable of production environment


To delete specific environment variable. This action is only for Option 2

# only for option 2
encrypt_env delete key_base                # default: delete 'key_base' variable of current environment
encrypt_env delete key_base -e production  # delete 'key_base' variable of production environment

Get value of environment variables

In the Rails app, use the following commands to get the value of environment variables

# EncryptEnv.secrets[:var_name] || EncryptEnv.secrets.var_name
var = EncryptEnv.secrets[:gem]   # 'var' variable will have the value of the 'gem' environment variable
var = EncryptEnv.secrets['gem']  # 'var' variable will have the value of the 'gem' environment variable
var = EncryptEnv.secrets.gem     # 'var' variable will have the value of the 'gem' environment variable

# or

# Encrypt.variable_name
var = EncryptEnv.gem