Eon 🗝
Eon is a tool for encrypting and decrypting short text files on the fly. It's primary goal is to provide a secure way to encrypt .env
files so that they can be checked into version control.
In RubyGems 💎 Eon is called eon_crypt
- this is to distinguish between another gem. The name Eon is used in this gem for the ease of typing three letters.
gem install eon_crypt
Eventually I'd like to publish Eon as a Homebrew formula so that it can be quickly installed and used without hassle.
At the moment Eon has three commands:
eon.rb generate
which creates a new eon_aes.key
this is a secret aes key used for encrypting and decrypting files. Keep this key with your project but DO NOT check it into version control.
! For any developers working on the project who need access to encrypted .env files give them a copy of this file using a secure service such as Keybase.
eon.rb encrypt file destination
takes two argements the first is an unencrypted file .env
for example, and the second is a destination where a new encrypted file will be created: .env.encrypted
eon.rb decrypt file destination
takes two arguments, the first is an encrypted file .env.encrypted
for examople, and the second is a destination where the decrypted file will live: .env
I'm still working on this, I haven't quite figured out how to create Homebrew formula, I'm open to PRs.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/tfantina/eon.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.