EPUB Reader is a Ruby library which helps you to parse EPUB files conforming as much as possible the specification from IDPF.
The recommended installation method is via Rubygems.
gem install epub-reader
Begin by creating a Epub::Reader instance that points to a EPUB file. Document level information (metadata, toc, page count, etc) is available via this object.
reader = Epub::Reader.open("/path/to/ebook.epub")
puts reader.epub_version
puts reader.title
puts reader.author
puts reader.publication_date
puts reader.language
reader.pages.each do |page|
puts page.title
puts page.content
There are two key exceptions that you will need to watch out for when processing a EPUB file:
FileNotFoundError - The argument passed to Epub::Reader.open('/path/to/ebook.epub') is a file path. If the file does not exist the FileNotFoundError is thrown.
MalformedEpubError - The EPUB appears to be corrupt in some way. If you believe the file should be valid, or that a corrupt file didn't raise an exception, please forward a copy of the file to the maintainers using the Bitbucket issue tracker and we will attempt to improve the code.
MalformedEpubError has some subclasses if you want to detect finer grained issues. If you don't, 'rescue MalformedEpubError' will catch all the subclassed errors as well.
Any other exceptions should be considered bugs in either Epub::Reader (please report it!).
- Fernando Almeida fernando@fernandoalmeida.net
This is a open source library released under the MIT license.
EPUB Publications Specifications
EPUB Content Documents Specifications
EPUB Open Container Formats Specifications
Shared Workspace for Emerging Specifications and Schemas for EPUB 3