Erector Cache¶ ↑
Widget caching for Erector.
Note: This only works at the widget level as this is essentially a fragment caching utility, and will not work for widgets rendered directly from a controller. (widget vs render_widget)
Installation¶ ↑
sudo gem install erector_cache
Checkout redis and install
First, connect to the Redis database. This would most likely go into an environment.rb.
This will connect to a default database on localhost, if you want to connect to a particular database you can do:
Lawnchair.connectdb( => 11, :host => "", :port => 6379))
Usage¶ ↑
cache_for - Use this to tell the widget how long it should be cached for. Defaults to 1 hour
cache_with - These are the widget parameters you want to use to build the cache key
expire! - Expire the instances of a widget matching the given parameters
class Bluth < Erector::Widget cache_with :name, :mistake cache_for 3.seasons def content div "My name is #{@name} and #{@mistake.to_param}" end end class Mistake < ORM::Base attr_reader :updated_at def initialize(size) @size = size || :huge @updated_at = end def size @size end def to_param "I_just_made_a_#{size}_mistake" end end
cache_with¶ ↑
In the simple case the cache key will be built off of the value of the parameter eg.
widget Bluth, :name => "George Michael", :mistake => "consubrinaphilia"
This will yield a cache key of “Lawnchair:Bluth:name:GeorgeMichael:mistake:consubrinaphilia”
You can also pass whole objects into the widget and build the cache based on this. It will default to using the to_param of the object as the key component value.
@mistake = Mistake.create(:huge) widget Bluth, :name => "Gob", :mistake => @mistake
This will yield a cache key of “Lawnchair:Bluth:name:Gob:mistake:I_just_made_a_huge_mistake”
This is essentially the same as doing this, which opens up more complex possibilities for generating cache keys
class Bluth < Erector::Widget cache_with :name, :mistake => lambda {|mistake| mistake.to_param } end @mistake = Mistake.create(:huge) widget Bluth, :name => "Gob", :mistake => @mistake
Using this, we could set the cache to auto expire every time the associated object is updated.
class Bluth < Erector::Widget cache_with :name, :mistake => lambda {|mistake| mistake.updated_at } end
Expiration¶ ↑
Widget expiration is possible by calling the widget class’s expire! method and passing in as much information about the keys to expire as you want.
Assume the following have occurred:
widget Bluth, :name => "Tobias", :mistake => "I_just_blue_myself" widget Bluth, :name => "Tobias", :mistake => "analyst_and_therapist" widget Bluth, :name => "Buster", :mistake => "swimming_with_seal"
You can expire all Bluth widgets regardless of what the values of the params passed into them with:
You can expire only the Bluth widget with :mistake => “I_just_blue_myself” by using:
Bluth.expire!(:mistake => "I_just_blue_myself")
You can expire all widgets with :name => “Tobias” with:
Bluth.expire!(:name => "Tobias")
Likewise, calling the following will expire only the one cached version of the widget that exists, leaving the other instance in the cache:
Bluth.expire!(:name => "Tobias", :mistake => "I_just_blue_myself")
Any cache key component that is not passed into the expire! method will result in a wildcard match on that component, allowing you to be as specific as you wish.
Note: Lawnchair will automatically condense spaces, so don’t feel constrained to using underscores or dashes in keys.
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Copyright¶ ↑
Copyright © 2010 Grockit. See LICENSE for details.