Euro Currency Conversion Rate
This is a useful gem which returns the current exchange rates of various currencies with respect to euro. This gets the latest exchange rates from the European Central Bank SOAP service.
This gem has no dependency to Nokogiri and uses httparty to parse the xml response.
For support with the Ruby class money please use the gem here.
gem install euro_currency_conversion_rate
require 'euro_currency_conversion_rate'
conversion_rate = EuroCurrencyConversionRate.rate(:usd)
# => 1.1389
conversion_rate = EuroCurrencyConversionRate.rate('USD')
# => 1.1389
To get all the exchange rates
conversion_rates_hash = EuroCurrencyConversionRate.rates
# => {:usd=>1.1389, :jpy=>136.33, :bgn=>1.9558, :czk=>27.401, :dkk=>7.464, :gbp=>0.727, :huf=>307.55, :pln=>4.0615, :ron=>4.4465, :sek=>9.3836, :chf=>1.0482, :nok=>8.3815, :hrk=>7.5325, :rub=>56.0016, :try=>2.9385, :aud=>1.4228, :brl=>3.4161, :cad=>1.3733, :cny=>7.0661, :hkd=>8.8283, :idr=>14967.91, :ils=>4.3569, :inr=>72.5115, :krw=>1236.94, :mxn=>17.1188, :myr=>4.065, :nzd=>1.5356, :php=>50.596, :sgd=>1.5056, :thb=>37.977, :zar=>13.5051}
To get exchange rates of some currencies
conversion_rates_hash = EuroCurrencyConversionRate.rates([:usd, :inr, :chf])
# => {:usd=>1.1389, :chf=>1.0482, :inr=>72.5115}
Please not that it is not important to pass the currencies as symbols. They can be strings too and are case insensitive.
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