Evernote OAuth / Thrift API client library for Ruby
Install the gem
gem install evernote_oauth
In order to use the code in this SDK, you need to obtain an API key from http://dev.evernote.com/documentation/cloud. You'll also find full API documentation on that page.
In order to run the sample code, you need a user account on the sandbox service where you will do your development. Sign up for an account at https://sandbox.evernote.com/Registration.action
In order to run the client client sample code, you need a developer token. Get one at https://sandbox.evernote.com/api/DeveloperToken.action
Put your API keys in the config/evernote.yml
consumer_key: YOUR CONSUMER KEY
consumer_secret: YOUR CONSUMER SECRET
sandbox: [true or false]
Or you can just pass those information when you create an instance of the client
client = EvernoteOAuth::Client.new(
consumer_key: YOUR CONSUMER KEY,
consumer_secret: YOUR CONSUMER SECRET,
sandbox: [true or false]
client = EvernoteOAuth::Client.new
request_token = client.request_token(:oauth_callback => 'YOUR CALLBACK URL')
=> https://sandbox.evernote.com/OAuth.action?oauth_token=OAUTH_TOKEN
To obtain the access token
access_token = request_token.get_access_token(oauth_verifier: params[:oauth_verifier])
Now you can make other API calls
token = access_token.token
client = EvernoteOAuth::Client.new(token: token)
note_store = client.note_store
notebooks = note_store.listNotebooks(token)
Once you acquire token, you can use UserStore. For example, if you want to call UserStore.getUser:
user_store = EvernoteOAuth::Client.new(token: token).user_store
You can omit authenticationToken in the arguments of UserStore/NoteStore functions:
If you want to call NoteStore.listNotebooks:
note_store = EvernoteOAuth::Client.new(token: token).note_store
NoteStore for linked notebooks
If you want to get tags for linked notebooks:
linked_notebook = note_store.listLinkedNotebooks.first # any notebook
shared_note_store = client.shared_note_store(linked_notebook)
shared_notebook = shared_note_store.getSharedNotebookByAuth
NoteStore for Business
If you want to get the list of notebooks in your business account:
user_store = client.user_store
user = user_store.getUser
business_note_store = client.business_note_store
if user.belongs_to_business?
Method Chaining
You can chain methods:
note_store.findNotes(Evernote::EDAM::NoteStore::NoteFilter.new, 0, 10).first.tags.first.parent
=> [<Evernote::EDAM::Type::Tag guid:"xxxxx", name:"sample", updateSequenceNum:100>]
Here are the additional methods for each types:
- Evernote::EDAM::NoteStore::NoteList
- notes
- Evernote::EDAM::NoteStore::NoteMetadata
- tags
- Evernote::EDAM::NoteStore::NotesMetadataList
- notes
- Evernote::EDAM::NoteStore::SyncChunk
- notes, notebooks, tags, searches, resources, linkedNotebooks
- Evernote::EDAM::Type::Note
- notebook, tags
- Evernote::EDAM::Type::Resource
- note: needs hash argument
- with_constant: boolean
- with_resources_data: boolean
- with_resources_recognition: boolean
- with_resources_alternate_data: boolean
- note: needs hash argument
- Evernote::EDAM::Type::SharedNotebook
- notebook
- Evernote::EDAM::Type::Tag
- parent
Notes: Those methods call thrift API internally. The result will be cached in the object so that the second method call wouldn't thrift API again.
Image Adding
Additional method is defined in Note to be easily added an image:
note = Evernote::EDAM::Type::Note.new(
title: 'Note',
tagNames: ['Evernote API Sample']
filename = "enlogo.png"
image = File.open(filename, "rb") { |io| io.read }
hexdigest = note.add_resource(filename, image, 'image/png')
You can use hexdigest within ENXML:
<en-media type="image/png" hash="#{hexdigest}"/>
Utility methods for Business
This gem provides some utility methods to deal with Evernote Business.
List business notebooks
To list all business notebooks the user can access
client = EvernoteOAuth::Client.new(token: token)
Create a business note
To create a business note in a business notebook
note = Evernote::EDAM::Type::Note.new
business_notebook = client.list_business_notebooks.first
client.create_note_in_business_notebook(note, business_notebook)
Create a business notebook
To create a business notebook
notebook = Evernote::EDAM::Type::Notebook.new
Get a notebook corresponding to the given business notebook
business_notebook = client.list_business_notebooks.first
Determine if the user can edit the notebook
Determine if the user is a part of a business
Get a business name of the user
- Evernote Developers: http://dev.evernote.com/
- API Document: http://dev.evernote.com/documentation/reference/