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The Raft engine


~> 10.4, >= 10.4.2
>= 0
>= 0


 Project Readme

Evinrude is an opinionated but flexible implementation of the Raft distributed consensus algorithm. It is intended for use in any situation where you need to be able to safely and securely achieve consensus regarding the current state of a set of data in Ruby programs.


It's a gem:

gem install evinrude

There's also the wonders of the Gemfile:

gem 'evinrude'

If you're the sturdy type that likes to run from git:

rake install

Or, if you've eschewed the convenience of Rubygems entirely, then you presumably know what to do already.


In order to do its thing, {Evinrude} needs at least two things: the contact details of an existing member of the cluster, and the shared secret key for the cluster. Then, you create your {Evinrude} instance and set it running, like this:

c = [{ address: "", port: 31337 }], shared_keys: ["s3kr1t"])

The {Evinrude#run} method does not return in normal operation; you should call it in a separate thread (or use a work supervisor such as Ultravisor).

Once Evinrude is running, interaction with the data in the cluster is straightforward. To cause a change to be made to the data set, you call {Evinrude#command} with a message which describes how the shared state of the cluster should be changed (an application-specific language which it is up to you to define), while to retrieve the currently-agreed state of the data set you call {Evinrude#state}.

By default, the data set that is managed by consensus is a "register" -- a single atomic string value, wherein the single value is the value of the most recent {Evinrude#command} call that has been committed by the cluster.

Since a single "last-write-wins" string is often not a particularly useful thing to keep coordinated, Evinrude allows you to provide a more useful state machine implementation which matches the data model you're working with.

The Machines of State

Because Evinrude is merely a Raft engine, it makes no assumptions about the semantics of the data that is being managed. For this reason, most non-trivial uses of Evinrude will want to provide their own implementation of {Evinrude::StateMachine}, and provide it to the {} call using the state_machine keyword argument:

class MyStateMachine < Evinrude::StateMachine
  # interesting things go here

c = [...], shared_keys: [ ... ], state_machine: MyStateMachine)

# ...

While the current state of the state machine is what we, as consumers of the replicated data, care about, behind the scenes Raft deals entirely in a log of commands. Each command (along with its arguments) may cause some deterministic change to the internal state variables. Exactly what commands are available, their arguments, and what they do is up to your state machine implementation.

Thus, the core method in your state machine implementation is {Evinrude::StateMachine#process_command}. Similar to {Evinrude#command}, this method accepts a string of arbitrary data, which it is the responsibility of your state machine to decode and action. In fact, the commands that your state machine receives are the exact same ones that are provided to {Evinrude#command}. The only difference is that the only commands your state machine will receive are those that the cluster as a whole has committed.

The other side, of course, is retrieving the current state. That is handled by {Evinrude::StateMachine#current_state}. This method, which takes no arguments, can return an arbitrary Ruby object that represents the current state of the machine.

You don't need to worry about concurrency issues inside your state machine, by the way; all calls to all methods on the state machine instance will be serialized via mutex.

It is crucially important that your state machine take no input from anywhere other than calls to #command, and do nothing but modify internal state variables. If you start doing things like querying data in the outside world, or interacting with anything outside the state machine in response to commands, you will obliterate the guarantees of the replicated state machine model, and all heck will, sooner or later, break loose.

One performance problem in a Raft state machine is the need to replay every log message since the dawn of time in order to reproduce the current state when (re)starting. Since that can take a long time (and involve a lot of storage and/or network traffic), Raft has the concept of shapshots. These are string representations of the entire current state of the machine. Thus, your state machine has to implement {Evinrude::StateMachine#snapshot}, which serializes the current state into a string. To load the state, a previously obtained snapshot string will be passed to {Evinrude::StateMachine#initialize} in the snapshot keyword argument.

... and that is the entire state machine interface.

Persistent Storage

Whilst for toy systems you can get away with just storing everything in memory, it's generally not considered good form for anything which you want to survive long-term. For that reason, you'll generally want to specify the storage_dir keyword argument, specifying a directory which is writable by the user running the process that is calling reating the object.

If there is existing state in that directory, it will be loaded before Evinrude attempts to re-join the cluster.

The Madness of Networks

By default, Evinrude will listen on the ANY address, on a randomly assigned high port, and will advertise itself as being available on the first sensible-looking (ie non-loopback/link-local) address on the listening port.

In a sane and sensible network, that would be sufficient (with the possible exception of the "listen on the random port" bit -- that can get annoying for discovery purposes). However, so very, very few networks are sane and sensible, and so there are knobs to tweak.

First off, if you need to control what address/port Evinrude listens on, you do that via the listen keyword argument: { address: "", port: 31337 }, ...)

Both address and port are optional; if left out, they'll be set to the appropriate default. So you can just control the port to listen on, for instance, by setting listen: { port: 31337 } if you like.

The other half of the network configuration is the advertisement. This is needed because sometimes the address that Evinrude thinks it has is not the address that other Evinrude instances must use to talk to it. Anywhere NAT rears its ugly head is a candidate for this -- Docker containers where publishing is in use, for instance, will almost certainly fall foul of this. For this reason, you can override the advertised address and/or port using the advertise keyword argument: { address: "", port: 31337 })

Bootstrapping and Joining a Cluster

A Raft cluster bootstraps itself by having the "first" node recognise that it is all alone in the world, and configure itself as the single node in the cluster. After that, all other new nodes need to told the location of at least one other node in the cluster. Existing cluster nodes that are restarted can usually use the cluster configuration that is stored on disk, however a node which has been offline while all other cluster nodes have changed addresses may still need to use the join hints to find another node.

To signal to a node that it is the initial "bootstrap" node, you must explicitly pass join_hints: nil to

# Bootstrap mode
c = nil, ...)

Note that nil is not the default for join_hints; this is for safety, to avoid any sort of configuration error causing havoc.

All other nodes in the cluster should be provided with the location of at least one existing cluster member via join_hints. The usual form of the join_hints is an array of one or more of the following entries:

  • A hash containing :address and :port keys; :address can be either an IPv4 or IPv6 literal address, or a hostname which the system is capable of resolving into one or more IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, while :port must be an integer representing a valid port number; or

  • A string, which will be queried for SRV records.

An example, containing all of these:

c = [
                       { address: "", port: 1234 },
                       { address: "2001:db8::42", port: 4321 },
                       { address: "", port: 31337 },

As shown above, you can use all of the different forms together. They'll be resolved and expanded into a big list of addresses as required.

Encryption Key Management

To provide at least a modicum of security, all cluster network communications are encrypted using a symmetric cipher. This requires a common key for encryption and decryption, which you provide in the shared_keys keyword argument:

c = ["s3krit"], ...)

The keys you use can be arbitrary strings of arbitrary length. Preferably, you want the string to be completely random and have at least 128 bits of entropy. For example, you could use a string of 16 binary characters, encoded in hex: SecureRandom.hex(16). The longer the better, but there's no point having more than 256 bits of entropy, because your keys get hashed to 32 bytes for use in the encryption algorithm.

As you can see from the above example, shared_keys is an array of strings, not a single string. This is to facilitate key rotation, if you're into that kind of thing.

Since you don't want to interrupt cluster operation, you can't take down all the nodes simultaneously to change the key. Instead, you do the following, assuming that you are using a secret key "oldkey", and you want to switch to using "newkey":

  1. Reconfigure each node, one by one, to set shared_keys: ["oldkey", "newkey"] (Note the order there is important! "oldkey" first, then "newkey")

  2. When all nodes are running with the new configuration, then go around and reconfigure each node again, to set shared_keys: ["newkey", "oldkey"] (Again, order is important).

  3. Finally, once all nodes are running with this second configuration, you can remove "oldkey" from the configuration, and restart everything with shared_keys: ["newkey"], which retires the old key entirely.

This may seem like a lot of fiddling around, which is why you should always use configuration management, which takes care of all the boring fiddling around for you.

Why this works is because of how Evinrude uses the keys. The first key in the list is the key with which all messages are encrypted. However any received message can be decrypted with any key in the list. Hence, the three step process:

  1. While you're doing step 1, everyone is encrypting with "oldkey", so nobody will ever need to use "newkey" to decrypt anything, but that's OK.

  2. While you're doing step 2, some nodes will be encrypting their messages with "oldkey" and some will be encrypting with "newkey". But since all the nodes can decrypt anything encrypted with either "oldkey" or "newkey" (because that's how they were configured in step 1), there's no problem.

  3. By the time you start step 3, everyone is encrypting everything with "newkey", so there's no problems with removing "oldkey" from the set of shared keys.

Managing and Decommissioning Nodes

Because Raft works on a "consensus" basis, a majority of nodes must always be available to accept updates and agree on the current state of the cluster. This is true for both writes (changes to the cluster state), as well as reads.

Once a node has joined the cluster, it is considered to be a part of the cluster forever, unless it is explicitly removed. It is not safe for a node to be removed automatically after some period of inactivity, because that node could re-appear at any time and cause issues, including what is known as "split-brain" (where there are two separate operational clusters, both of which believe they know how things should be).

Evinrude makes some attempts to make the need to manually remove nodes rare. In many raft implementations, a node is identified by its IP address and port. If that changes, it counts as a new node. When you're using a "dynamic network" system (like most cloud providers), every time a server restarts, it gets a new IP address, which is counted as a new node, and so quickly there's more old, dead nodes than currently living ones, and the cluster completely seizes up.

In contrast, Evinrude nodes have a name as well as the usual address/port pair. If a node joins (or re-joins) the cluster with a name identical to that of a node already in the cluster configuration, then the old node's address and port are replaced with the address and port of the new one.

You can set one by hand, using the node_name keyword argument (although be really sure to make them unique, or all heck will break loose), but if you don't set one by hand, a new node will generate a UUID for its name. If a node loads its state from disk on startup, it will use whatever name was stored on disk.

Thus, if you have servers backed by persistent storage, you don't have to do anything special: let Evinrude generate a random name on first startup, write out its node name to disk, and then on every restart thereafter, the shared cluster configuration will be updated to keep the cluster state clean.

Even if you don't have persistant storage, as long as you can pass the same node name to the cluster node each time it starts, everything will still be fine: the fresh node will give its new address and port with its existing name, the cluster configuration will be updated, the new node will be sent the existing cluster state, and off it goes.

Removing a Node

All that being said, there are times when a cluster node has to be forcibly removed from the cluster. A few of the common cases are:

  1. Downsizing: you were running a cluster of, say, nine nodes (because who doesn't want N+4 redundancy?), but a management decree says that for budget reasons, you can now only have five nodes (N+2 ought to be enough for anyone!). In that case, you shut down four of the nodes, but the cluster will need to be told that they've been removed, otherwise as soon as one node crashes, the whole cluster will seize up.

  2. Operator error: somehow (doesn't matter how, we all make mistakes sometimes) an extra node managed to join the cluster. You nuked it before it did any real damage, but the cluster config still thinks that node should be part of the quorum. It needs to be removed before All Heck Breaks Loose.

  3. Totally Dynamic Environment: if your cluster members have no state persistence, not even being able to remember their name, nodes will need to gracefully deregister themselves from the cluster when they shutdown. Note: in this case, nodes that crash and burn without having a chance to gracefully say "I'm outta here" will clog up the cluster, and sooner or later you'll have more ex-nodes than live nodes, leading to eventual Confusion and Delay. Make sure you've got some sort of "garbage collection" background operation running, that can identify permanently-dead nodes and remove them from the cluster before they cause downtime.

In any event, the way to remove a node is straightforward: from any node currently in the cluster, call {Evinrude#remove_node}, passing the node's info:

c =
c.remove_node( "2001:db8::42", port: 31337, name: "fred"))

This will notify the cluster leader of the node's departure, and the cluster config will be updated.

Removing a node requires the cluster to still have consensus (half the cluster nodes running), for the new configuration to take effect. This is so the removal can be safe, by doing Raft Trickery to ensure that the removed node can't cause split-brain issues on its way out the door.

Emergency Removal of a Node

If your cluster has completely seized up, due to more than half of the nodes in the cluster configuration being offline, things are somewhat trickier. In this situation, you need to do the following:

  1. Make 110% sure that the node (or nodes) you're removing aren't coming back any time soon. If the nodes you're removing spontaneously reappear, you can end up with split-brain.

  2. Locate the current cluster leader node. The {Evinrude#leader?} method is your friend here. If no node is the leader, then find a node which is a candidate instead (with {Evinrude#candidate?} and use that.

  3. Request the removal of a node with {Evinrude#remove_node}, but this time pass the keyword argument unsafe: true. This bypasses the consensus checks.

The reason why you need to do this on the leader is because the new config that doesn't have the removed node needs to propagate from the leader to the rest of the cluster. When the cluster doesn't have a leader, removing the node from a candidate allows that candidate to gather enough votes to consider itself a leader, at which point it can propagate its configuration to the other nodes.

In almost all cases, you'll need to remove several nodes in order to get the cluster working again. Just keep removing nodes until everything comes back.

Bear in mind that if your cluster split-brains as a result of passing unsafe: true, you get to keep both pieces -- that's why the keyword's called unsafe!


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Unless otherwise stated, everything in this repo is covered by the following copyright notice:

Copyright (C) 2020  Matt Palmer <>

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as
published by the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.