ExchangerateHost is a very simple gem to integrate your ruby application with 🚀 is a great service that provide us completely free curreny exhange rates APIs (you don't even need to make an account & api key!! Really easy to get started 🙂 ).
Let's support their mission if you're happy with the service and willing to donate 👼
Install with the following command:
$ gem install exchangerate_host
For rails appliactions, add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'exchangerate_host'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Supported services
Service | Descriptoin | Supported |
Latest rates | The latest exchage rate data updated on daily basis | ✔️ |
Convert currency | Convert any amount from one currency to another | ✔️ |
Historical rates | Currency rates histrical data all the way back to the year of 1999
✔️ |
Time-Series data | Historical rates between two dates of your choic. (maximum time frame of 366 days ) |
✔️ |
Fluctuation data | Historical data about how currencies fluctuate on a day-to-day basis (maximum time frame of 366 days ) |
✔️ |
Supported symbols | All available currencies | ✔️ |
EU VAT Rates | Request a single by country code or entire set EU VAT rates | WIP |
You can find details about services in here
Parameter | Description | Example | Note |
base | Your preferred base currency | JPY | non case sensitive |
symbols | Currency codes to limit output currencies | [:JPY, :AUD, :USD] | non case sensitive |
amount | The amount to be converted | 123.45 | - |
places | Decimal places | 2 | - |
format | Output format | CSV | CSV, TSV or XML |
from | The currecny you would like to convert from | JPY | non case sensitive |
to | The currecny you would like to convert to | AUD | non case sensitive |
date | Historical exchange rate date | 2020-12-21 | format YYYY-MM-DD |
start_date | The start date of your preferred timeframe | 2020-12-21 | format YYYY-MM-DD |
end_date | The end date of your preferred timeframe | 2020-12-21 | format YYYY-MM-DD |
Service Paramters
🟢 optional 🔴 required
Service | base | symbols | amount | places | format | from | to | date | start_date | end_date |
Latest rates | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | - | - | - | - | - |
Convert currency | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🔴 | 🔴 | 🟢 | - | - |
Historical rates | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | - | - | 🔴 | - | - |
Time-Series data | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | - | - | - | 🔴 | 🔴 |
Fluctuation data | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | 🟢 | - | - | - | 🔴 | 🔴 |
Supported symbols | - | - | - | - | 🟢 | - | - | - | - | - |
If base
option is not given, EUR
will be assigned
If amount
option is not given, 1
will be assigned
You can make call supporetd survices with following APIs
Service | method | arguments |
Latest rates | ExchangerateHost.latest_rates(options) | options: Hash |
Convert currency | ExchangerateHost.convert_currency(options) | options: Hash |
Historical rates | ExchangerateHost.historical_rates(options) | options: Hash |
Time-Series data | ExchangerateHost.time_series(options) | options: Hash |
Fluctuation data | ExchangerateHost.fluctuation(options) | options: Hash |
Supported symbols | ExchangerateHost.supported_symbols(options) | options: Hash |
# Decimal place 2
ExchangerateHost.configurations.places = 2
# How much is 1000 yen in AUD and USD with the latest currency rates
res = ExchangerateHost.latest_rates({ base: :JPY, amount: 1000, symbols: [:AUD, :USD] })
res['rates'] #=> {"AUD"=>12.59, "USD"=>9.1}
# How much is 150 AUD in JPY on 2015 December 21st
res = ExchangerateHost.convert_currency({ from: :AUD, to: :JPY, date: '2015-12-21', amount: 150 })
res['result'] #=> 13038.47
# What were the all supported currency rates for 1 AUD on 2020 December 21st
res = ExchangerateHost.historical_rates({date: '2020-12-21', base: :AUD })
res['rates'] #=> { "AED"=>3.69, "AFN"=>77.4, "ALL"=>101.52... }
# What were the JPY and USD rates based on 1 AUD between 2021 January 1st ~ 2021 Febrary 1st
res = ExchangerateHost.time_series({ base: :AUD, symbols: [:JPY, :USD], start_date: '2021-01-01', end_date: '2021-02-01' })
res['rates'] #=> {"2021-01-01"=>{"JPY"=>79.56, "USD"=>0.77}, "2021-01-02"=>{"JPY"=>79.29, "USD"=>0.77}, "2021-01-03"=>{"JPY"=>79.42, "USD"=>0.77},... }
# How much JPY and USD rates based on 1 AUD fluctuated between 2020 January 1st ~ 2020 October 1st
res = ExchangerateHost.fluctuation({ base: :AUD, symbols: [:JPY, :USD], start_date: '2020-01-01', end_date: '2020-10-01' })
res['rates'] #=> {"USD"=>{"start_rate"=>0.7, "end_rate"=>0.72, "change"=>-0.02, "change_pct"=>-0.03}, "JPY"=>{... }
# What are the suported currencies
res = ExchangerateHost.supported_symbols
res['symbols'] #=> {"AED"=>{"description"=>"United Arab Emirates Dirham", "code"=>"AED"}, "AFN"=>{"description"=>"Afghan Afghani", "code"=>"AFN"}... }
Setup default parameter options
You can set default parameter options so that you don't need to pass the same options everytime.
ExchangerateHost.configure do |conf|
conf.base = :JPY
conf.symbols = [:AUD, :USD]
# or
ExchangerateHost.configurations.base = :JPY
# print currernt configuratoins
ExchangerateHost.configurations.to_options_hash #=> {:base=>:JPY, :symbols=>[:AUD, :USD]}
# reset configurations
ExchangerateHost.configurations.to_options_hash #=> {}
# default options will be overwritten by the passed option value
ExchangerateHost.configurations.base = :JPY
ExchangerateHost.latest_rates #=> the base option for the request is JPY
ExchangerateHost.latest_rates({ base: :AUD }) #=> the base option for the request is now AUD
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at 🙏