Facebook Feed Ruby bindings¶ ↑
Installation¶ ↑
> gem install facebook_feed
Requirements¶ ↑
Ruby 1.9.3 or above.
json, rest-client
Usage: Facebook Group Feed Download¶ ↑
> require 'facebook_feed' > opts = { :feed_id => 123456789, :access_token => "AAACEdEose0cBAHqa7TcU11fyZBHjas26pn9DR0WxEguIzeFeintOZClb78AnhMibZBlRbZBiyVzD5b8rOgeI35cEX55m4rwk3XzBnhkCp0Qrd5cQJd0o" } > downloader = FacebookFeed::FeedDownloader.new(opts) > posts = downloader.download_posts if downloader.has_more_posts? > puts JSON.pretty_generate(posts)
The posts object in the example code above is an array of hash objects like the following
{ :poster => 'Name of message poster', :message => 'Message text', :type => 'Type of post', :created_time => 'UTC time message was created', :updated_time => 'UTC time message was updated', :like_count => 'Number of likes the post has', :comment_count => 'Number of comments the post has', :comments => ['Array of comment data'] }
A comment datum is itself a hash as well. It has the following structure:
{ :commenter => 'Name of person who made the comment', :message => 'Comment text', :created_time => 'UTC time comment was made', :like_count => 'Number of likes the comment has' }
How to obtain feed ID and access token¶ ↑
Visit the Facebook Group whose feed you want to download. Take the ID from the URL. For example, if the URL is www.facebook.com/groups/1234567/, the feed ID is 1234567.
To obtain the access token, visit the Graph API Explorer at developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer. You’ll see a button that says “Get Access Token”. Click on it, and select the permissions you’ll need to access your group’s feed. If your group is closed, you’ll need user_groups and friends_groups permissions.
Release Notes¶ ↑
1.0.4 (04/18/2013) - Fixed bug with InvalidFeedDownloaderError
1.0.3 (04/18/2013) - Enforced stricter initialization of FacebookFeed::FeedDownloader
1.0.2 (04/17/2013) - Fixed bug that deals with Facebook Group feed posts with no comment data
1.0.1 (07/26/2012) - Released Ruby bindings for Facebook Groups feed API