Welcome to FacebookScrapper Gem 👋
This is gem that gives you a way to gather data from facebook without using the api. For example for a bot or maybe for pet project. Using this gem we can scrap data from home or from a group. We can also post in group and also post status. It totally up to you how you want to proceed
Inspired from
This is inspired from https://github.com/hikaruAi/FacebookBot the bot is a inspiration itself 😄
To use this gem properly we need to install selenium webdriver and also the chrome driver
Selenium gem install
gem install selenium-webdriver
Chrome driver
To install the chrome driver, please follow:
For Ubuntu: Ubutu install
For Mac: Mac install
For Windows: Windows install
To install the latest gem
gem install facebook_scrapper
First initalize the scrapper.
facebook = FacebookScrapper::Scrapper.new
Next step is to log in.
facebook.login('email', 'password')
If you have 2 step authenticate maybe authenticate the device then try again.
To check if log in was successfull
Then to get posts
facebook.get_posts_from_home(keywords) // keywords are array of string and optional
facebook.get_posts_from_group_url(url, keywords) // keywords is optional
To write the post in url
facebook.write_post_to_url(url, text) //url you want to post to and text you want to write
👤 Mujadded Al Rabbani Alif
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