Login as users defined in your FactoryGirl factories.
Preview email while logged in as users defined in your FactoryGirl factories.
- Add the gem to your gemfile group :development do gem 'factory_scenarios' end
- Run bundle install
To test with your desired version of rails, do this:
RAILS_VERSION=3.1.4 bundel exec rake test
FactoryScenarios is a mountable engine. Add a line like this to your routes.rb file:
if Rails.env.to_s != 'production' mount FactoryScenarios::Engine, :at => '/factory_scenarios' end
The current configuration options are as follows
- iframe_width: sets the width of the iframe that your site will appear in, defaults to 1000px
- user_class: your users class, defaults to User
- open_in_iframe: by default factory_scenarios will open your site in an iframe leaving the scenarios on the left, if you don't desire this functionality you can set this option to false.
Important Note
- You need to have active_reload installed in your application to utilize this gem successfully. The consequences of not having this gem install will be errors when trying to login using your factories.
Example Configuration
Create an initializer file called app/config/initializers/factory_scenarios.rb, add the following:
if Rails.env.to_s != 'production'
FactoryScenarios.config.user_class = 'Spree::User'
FactoryScenarios.config.iframe_width = '1400px'
To redirect to a specific location in your application after logging in as a scenario define handle_factory_scenario in your ApplicationController.
# Be sure to use main_app for url_generation as this method will be called
# from inside the engine controllers
def handle_factory_scenario
redirect_to main_app.root_url(subdomain: current_user.subdomain)
( Seems like this should be a configuration option rather than a method defined on the app controller no?)
Specify your mail previews in a file "config/mail_preview.rb"
FactoryScenarios::Mail.registrations do
register "Org Membership Invitation (no login)" do
mailer MembershipMailer
message :approval_message
message_args { Factory.create(:membership) }
register "Org Membership Invitation (correct login)" do
mailer MembershipMailer
message :approval_message
message_args { Factory.create(:membership) }
# Arguments to login_as block are the return value of the message_args block.
login_as { |membership| membership.user }
register "Org Membership Invitation (wrong login)" do
mailer MembershipMailer
message :approval_message
message_args { Factory.create(:membership) }
login_as { Factory.create :user }
register "User registration" do
mailer Devise::Mailer
message :confirmation_instructions
message_args { Factory.create(:unconfirmed_user) }
register "Reset password instructions" do
mailer Devise::Mailer
message :reset_password_instructions
message_args { Factory.create(:recoverable_user) }
Factory Scenarios Screenshot
Mail Preview Screenshot
Contributing to factory_scenarios
- Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
- Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
- Fork the project
- Start a feature/bugfix branch
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
- Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
Original gem written by Collin Miller. Updated for Rails 3.1 by David Guthu.
Copyright (c) 2011 Collin Miller. See LICENSE.txt for further details.