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Trigger builds on Bitrise, check their status and download artifacts using Fastlane


 Project Readme

bitrise_automation plugin

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Getting Started

This project is a fastlane plugin. To get started with fastlane-plugin-bitrise_automation, add it to your project by running:

fastlane add_plugin bitrise_automation

About bitrise_automation

Interact with Bitrise projects from fastlane. This allows you to trigger a Bitrise workflow and its related information using the Bitrise API.

This is useful if you want to interact with Bitrise from your terminal using Fastlane or if you are encapsulating Bitrise builds from another CI (such as Jenkins).

This plugin assumes you already have an app configured on Bitrise and uses a Personal Access Token from Bitrise to communicate with the Bitrise API. Check the official documentation to learn how to acquire a token.


  • Trigger a workflow asynchronously (returning immediately after build has been requested)
  • Trigger a workflow synchronously (waiting until the build executes and finishes)
  • Check build success/failure (exiting with success or failure according to the status on Bitrise)
  • Retrieve the list of artifacts from a build
  • Download the artifacts produced by a build
  • Automatic retry of requests when the connection to the Bitrise API fails or returns a 5xx error

Known issues

  • Triggering a build with a tag is not yet implemented
  • The author option to trigger the build is not implemented
  • The environments option to trigger the build is not implemented
  • Pagination on API responses is not implemented


It is recommended to set the BITRISE_APP_SLUG and BITRISE_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variables to avoid committing those values into your repository.


Use this action to trigger a workflow on Bitrise and query its status.

Key Description Environment variable Default value
app_slug The app slug of the project on Bitrise BITRISE_APP_SLUG
access_token The personal access token used to call Bitrise API BITRISE_ACCESS_TOKEN
workflow The name of the workflow to trigger BITRISE_WORKFLOW
branch The name of branch that will be checked out BITRISE_BUILD_BRANCH
commit_hash The hash of the commit that will be checked out (overrides branch parameter) BITRISE_BUILD_COMMIT_HASH
build_message A custom message that will be used to identify the build BITRISE_BUILD_MESSAGE
triggered_by A custom message that will be used to identify where the build was triggered from (optional) BITRISE_BUILD_TRIGGERED_BY
wait_for_build Whether the action should wait until the build finishes or return immediately after requesting the build BITRISE_WAIT_FOR_BUILD false
download_artifacts Whether to download or not the produced artifacts BITRISE_DOWNLOAD_ARTIFACTS false

The returned value is a hash containing the information about the build.

Hash key Description
status The status of the build
build_slug The build slug that can be used to identify the build on other actions
build_number The build number
build_url The URL to the build page on Bitrise


Use this action to query the status of a build on Bitrise.

Key Description Environment variable Default value
app_slug The app slug of the project on Bitrise BITRISE_APP_SLUG
access_token The personal access token used to call Bitrise API BITRISE_ACCESS_TOKEN
build_slug The slug that identifies the build on Bitrise BITRISE_BUILD_SLUG

The returned value is a hash containing the information about the build status.

Hash key Description
status The status of the build: not finished (0), successful (1), failed (2), aborted with failure (3), aborted with success (4)
status_text The status text
is_on_hold Indicates whether the build has started yet (true: the build hasn't started)
abort_reason If the build has been aborted, indicates the reason why


Use this action to retrieve information about the artifacts of a build or to automatically download them from Bitrise.

Key Description Environment variable Default value
app_slug The app slug of the project on Bitrise BITRISE_APP_SLUG
access_token The personal access token used to call Bitrise API BITRISE_ACCESS_TOKEN
build_slug The slug that identifies the build on Bitrise BITRISE_BUILD_SLUG
download_artifacts Whether to download or not the produced artifacts BITRISE_DOWNLOAD_ARTIFACTS false

The returned value is an list of hashes containing the information about the artifacts. If there are no artifacts, it returns an empty list.

Hash key Description
artifact_type The type of the artifact as detected by Bitrise
file_size_bytes The size of the artifact in bytes
slug The slug that identifies the artifact
title The name of artifact


Check out the example Fastfile to see how to use this plugin. Try it by cloning the repo, running fastlane install_plugins and bundle exec fastlane test.

Run tests for this plugin

To run both the tests, and code style validation, run


To automatically fix many of the styling issues, use

rubocop -a

Issues and Feedback

For any other issues and feedback about this plugin, please submit it to this repository.


If you have trouble using plugins, check out the Plugins Troubleshooting guide.

Using fastlane Plugins

For more information about how the fastlane plugin system works, check out the Plugins documentation.

About fastlane

fastlane is the easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps. To learn more, check out