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Plugin for 'fastlane' that defines an action to export iOS and Android projects via Unity3d. This allows Unity3d to more easily integrate with 'fastlane'.
 Project Readme

unity_exporter plugin

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Getting Started

This project is a fastlane plugin. To get started with fastlane-plugin-unity_exporter, add it to your project by running:

fastlane add_plugin unity_exporter

About unity_exporter

Plugin for fastlane that defines an action to export iOS and Android projects via Unity3d. This allows Unity3d to more easily integrate with fastlane.

This action works by invoking Unity3d via commandline to trigger an export of your Unity3d project. Per default Unity3d supports a number of different commandline arguments. Therefore there are two ways to use the plugin: Either provide your own full list of commandline arguments or let the fastlane plugin help you with some of it. This becomes clearer when looking at all available actions.

For convenience and easier versioning, there also exists the Unity Build Exporter which can be added via the Unity Package Manager. The Unity Build Exporter provides a custom execute method that parses custom commandline arguments. See Unity Build Exporter for a more in-depth explanation of the package.

To make full use of the unity_exporter make sure to:

  • Install the Unity Hub at its default path: We use the Unity Hub to get the paths of your Unity Editor installations, such that we can use the Unity Editor version that matches the version used by your Unity3d project when exporting a build.
  • Add the Unity Build Exporter to your Unity3d project: We invoke a specific executeMethod (see docs and the readme of the package what's that about) provided by the package to handle versioning. Note that the package also exposes a new menu item to your Unity3d project that helps with setting up fastlane and the fastlane-plugin-unity_exporter.

Getting Started with a blank Unity3d project

Assuming you don't have fastlane configured yet, we propose the following:

  1. Add the Unity Build Exporter via the Unity Package Manager to your Unity3d project
  2. Open your Unity3d project and find the menu items Build Exporter / Initialize 'fastlane' directories for Android and Build Exporter / Initialize 'fastlane' directories for iOS
  3. Commit the changes to your repository
  4. Navigate to {Unity3d-project-root}/fastlane-build-exporter/iOS/unity-export and {Unity3d-project-root}/fastlane-build-exporter/Android/unity-export and fastlane init respectively
  5. Move the created fastlane/ directory up one level, such that it is on the same hierarchical level as unity-export/
  6. Commit the changes to your repository
  7. See Getting Started
  8. Use the actions of the plugin

We suggest you also check out the example Unity3d project.


Two actions are provided by this plugin:

  • fastlane action unity_export
  • fastlane action unity_commit_version_bump

Using unity_export with parameter arguments

Note that when writing {path-to-unity} we expect a path like so:

  • Mac: /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/<version>/Unity.app/Contents/MacOS/Unity
  • Windows: "C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\<version>\Editor\Unity.exe"
  • Linux: see open issue
# for a full list of commandline arguments that are available to Unity see https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/CommandLineArguments.html
# uses the Unity Hub to resolve the path to a Unity Editor installation
unity_export(arguments: "-batchmode -nographics -quit") 

# setting 'use_default_path' to 'false', will not resolve the path to a Unity Editor installation via the Unity Hub
# a path to a Unity Editor installation is expected as part of 'arguments'
unity_export(arguments: "{path-to-unity} -batchmode -nographics -quit", use_default_paths: false)

Using unity_export with parameter build_target

# will export a Xcode project
unity_export(build_target: "iOS") 

# will export an Android project ('Export Project' is ticked, see https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/android-BuildProcess.html)
unity_export(build_target: "Android")

# expects a semantic version and sets this version as the new Unity3d project version
# for semantic versioning see https://semver.org/
unity_export(build_target: "...", new_version: "1.2.3")

# increments the major, minor or patch part of the existing semantic version
unity_export(build_target: "...", new_version: "major")
unity_export(build_target: "...", new_version: "minor")
unity_export(build_target: "...", new_version: "patch")

# note that the plugin will keep the version code in sync across different platforms: version code (Android) and build number (iOS) will be the same
# expects a non-negative number and sets it as version code
unity_export(build_target: "...", new_version_code: "42")

# increments the existing version code (Android) and build number (iOS)
unity_export(build_target: "...", new_version_code: "increment")

# the expected default path is in accordance with the "getting started" section of this readme
# if a custom path to the Unity project is required, it's specified this way
# note that the starting point for relative paths is the directory that contains the 'fastlane' folder
unity_export(build_target: "...", project_path: "path/some-example-unity-projects-directory")

# exports the Unity project to the specified path
# if no export path is specified, a default path will be used
# note that the starting point for relative paths is the root of the Unity project
unity_export(build_target: "...", export_path: "path/some-example-builds-directory")

# combined usage of 'new_version', 'new_version_code', 'project_path' and 'export_path'
  build_target: "...", 
  new_version: "2.3.4", new_version_code: "0", 
  project_path: "path/Unity-project", export_path: "path/Builds")

Using unity_commit_version_bump

Uses shell commands to commit a version bump, if there is any.

# let's say we first export the Unity3d project
unity_export(build_target: "...", new_version: "3.4.5", new_version_code: "0")

# after the export is finished, we commit the version bump

# another invocation example that specifies a project path
# the expected default path is in accordance with the "getting started" section of this readme
# if a custom path to the Unity project is required, it's specified this way
# note that the starting point for relative paths is the directory that contains the 'fastlane' folder
unity_commit_version_bump(project_path: "path/some-example-unity-projects-directory")

Using unity_get_version_number

# you must first use the unity export action

# afterwards you can get the version number like so
# note that an error code will be returned if something fails
version_number = unity_get_version_number

# another invocation example that specifies a project path
# the expected default path is in accordance with the "getting started" section of this readme
# if a custom path to the Unity project is required, it's specified this way
# note that the starting point for relative paths is the directory that contains the 'fastlane' folder
version_number = unity_get_version_number(project_path: "path/some-example-unity-projects-directory")

Using unity_get_build_number

# you must first use the unity export action

# afterwards you can get the build number like so
# note that an error code will be returned if something fails
build_number = unity_get_build_number

# another invocation example that specifies a project path
# the expected default path is in accordance with the "getting started" section of this readme
# if a custom path to the Unity project is required, it's specified this way
# note that the starting point for relative paths is the directory that contains the 'fastlane' folder
build_number = unity_get_build_number(project_path: "path/some-example-unity-projects-directory")


Check out the example Fastfile to see how to use this plugin. Try it by cloning the repo, running fastlane install_plugins and bundle exec fastlane test.

Also check out the example Unity3d project to see how this plugin works. See the repositories readme for more details.


Both this fastlane plugin and the Unity Build Exporter were developed with Unity 2020.3.13f1. We haven't tested the plugin with any earlier versions, but we don't expect there to be any issues. If you run into trouble, regarding compatibility or anything else, please open an issue. For pull requests see here.


Note that this plugin requires Ruby 2.7.4.

Ruby on Mac

Installing ruby -- even different versions of it -- on Mac and fastlane is well documented.

Ruby on Windows

To install ruby on Windows you, e.g., can use RubyInstaller. Be sure to get Ruby 2.7.4. After that you can use gem commands with Windows' command prompt and rely on fastlane's documentation to get you going.

Pull requests

We are happy to accept pull requests. For easier development of this plugin, we suggest you use the provided Unity3d project.

Run tests for this plugin

To run both the tests, and code style validation, run


To automatically fix many of the styling issues, use

rubocop -a

Issues and Feedback

For any other issues and feedback about this plugin, please submit it to this repository.


If you have trouble using plugins, check out the Plugins Troubleshooting guide.

Using fastlane Plugins

For more information about how the fastlane plugin system works, check out the Plugins documentation.

About fastlane

fastlane is the easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps. To learn more, check out fastlane.tools.