

A long-lived project that still receives updates
Via the Fastly API you can perform any of the operations that are possible within the management console, including creating services, domains, and backends, configuring rules or uploading your own application code, as well as account operations such as user administration and billing reports. The API is organized into collections of endpoints that allow manipulation of objects related to Fastly services and accounts. For the most accurate and up-to-date API reference content, visit our [Developer Hub](


~> 1.0, >= 1.0.1
 Project Readme


A Ruby client library for interacting with most facets of the Fastly API.


To install via RubyGems, add the following to your project's Gemfile:

gem 'fastly', '~> 8.9.0'

Then run bundle install.


# Load the gem
require 'fastly'

# Authorize the client with a Fastly API token.
Fastly.configure do |config|
# Configure API key authorization: token
  config.api_token = 'YOUR API KEY'

api_instance =

opts = {
  service_id: 'SU1Z0isxPaozGVKXdv0eY', # String
  version_id: 56, # Integer
  name: 'my_acl', # String

  result = api_instance.create_acl(opts)
  p result
rescue Fastly::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling AclApi->create_acl: #{e}"



The Fastly API requires an API token for most operations.

Set up the API token in the Ruby client by assigning to api_token of a configuration as shown:

# Authorize the client with a Fastly API token.
Fastly.configure do |config|
  # Configure API key authorization: token
  config.api_token = 'YOUR API KEY'

Alternatively, set the FASTLY_API_TOKEN environment variable instead of setting api_token.

API Endpoints

The main documentation for the Fastly API can be found on our Developer Hub.

Table of API endpoints
Class Method Description
Fastly::AclApi create_acl Create a new ACL
Fastly::AclApi delete_acl Delete an ACL
Fastly::AclApi get_acl Describe an ACL
Fastly::AclApi list_acls List ACLs
Fastly::AclApi update_acl Update an ACL
Fastly::AclEntryApi bulk_update_acl_entries Update multiple ACL entries
Fastly::AclEntryApi create_acl_entry Create an ACL entry
Fastly::AclEntryApi delete_acl_entry Delete an ACL entry
Fastly::AclEntryApi get_acl_entry Describe an ACL entry
Fastly::AclEntryApi list_acl_entries List ACL entries
Fastly::AclEntryApi update_acl_entry Update an ACL entry
Fastly::AclsInComputeApi compute_acl_create_acls Create a new ACL
Fastly::AclsInComputeApi compute_acl_delete_s_acl_id Delete an ACL
Fastly::AclsInComputeApi compute_acl_list_acl_entries List an ACL
Fastly::AclsInComputeApi compute_acl_list_acls List ACLs
Fastly::AclsInComputeApi compute_acl_list_acls_s_acl_id Describe an ACL
Fastly::AclsInComputeApi compute_acl_lookup_acls Lookup an ACL
Fastly::AclsInComputeApi compute_acl_update_acls Update an ACL
Fastly::ApexRedirectApi create_apex_redirect Create an apex redirect
Fastly::ApexRedirectApi delete_apex_redirect Delete an apex redirect
Fastly::ApexRedirectApi get_apex_redirect Get an apex redirect
Fastly::ApexRedirectApi list_apex_redirects List apex redirects
Fastly::ApexRedirectApi update_apex_redirect Update an apex redirect
Fastly::AutomationTokensApi create_automation_token Create Automation Token
Fastly::AutomationTokensApi get_automation_token_id Retrieve an Automation Token by ID
Fastly::AutomationTokensApi get_automation_tokens_id_services List Automation Token Services
Fastly::AutomationTokensApi list_automation_tokens List Customer Automation Tokens
Fastly::AutomationTokensApi revoke_automation_token_id Revoke an Automation Token by ID
Fastly::BackendApi create_backend Create a backend
Fastly::BackendApi delete_backend Delete a backend
Fastly::BackendApi get_backend Describe a backend
Fastly::BackendApi list_backends List backends
Fastly::BackendApi update_backend Update a backend
Fastly::BillingApi get_invoice Get an invoice
Fastly::BillingApi get_invoice_by_id Get an invoice
Fastly::BillingApi get_invoice_mtd Get month-to-date billing estimate
Fastly::BillingAddressApi add_billing_addr Add a billing address to a customer
Fastly::BillingAddressApi delete_billing_addr Delete a billing address
Fastly::BillingAddressApi get_billing_addr Get a billing address
Fastly::BillingAddressApi update_billing_addr Update a billing address
Fastly::BillingInvoicesApi get_invoice_by_invoice_id Get invoice by ID.
Fastly::BillingInvoicesApi get_month_to_date_invoice Get month-to-date invoice.
Fastly::BillingInvoicesApi list_invoices List of invoices.
Fastly::BillingUsageMetricsApi get_service_level_usage Retrieve service-level usage metrics for a product.
Fastly::BillingUsageMetricsApi get_service_level_usage_types Retrieve product usage types for a customer.
Fastly::CacheSettingsApi create_cache_settings Create a cache settings object
Fastly::CacheSettingsApi delete_cache_settings Delete a cache settings object
Fastly::CacheSettingsApi get_cache_settings Get a cache settings object
Fastly::CacheSettingsApi list_cache_settings List cache settings objects
Fastly::CacheSettingsApi update_cache_settings Update a cache settings object
Fastly::ConditionApi create_condition Create a condition
Fastly::ConditionApi delete_condition Delete a condition
Fastly::ConditionApi get_condition Describe a condition
Fastly::ConditionApi list_conditions List conditions
Fastly::ConditionApi update_condition Update a condition
Fastly::ConfigStoreApi create_config_store Create a config store
Fastly::ConfigStoreApi delete_config_store Delete a config store
Fastly::ConfigStoreApi get_config_store Describe a config store
Fastly::ConfigStoreApi get_config_store_info Get config store metadata
Fastly::ConfigStoreApi list_config_store_services List linked services
Fastly::ConfigStoreApi list_config_stores List config stores
Fastly::ConfigStoreApi update_config_store Update a config store
Fastly::ConfigStoreItemApi bulk_update_config_store_item Update multiple entries in a config store
Fastly::ConfigStoreItemApi create_config_store_item Create an entry in a config store
Fastly::ConfigStoreItemApi delete_config_store_item Delete an item from a config store
Fastly::ConfigStoreItemApi get_config_store_item Get an item from a config store
Fastly::ConfigStoreItemApi list_config_store_items List items in a config store
Fastly::ConfigStoreItemApi update_config_store_item Update an entry in a config store
Fastly::ConfigStoreItemApi upsert_config_store_item Insert or update an entry in a config store
Fastly::ContactApi create_contacts Add a new customer contact
Fastly::ContactApi delete_contact Delete a contact
Fastly::ContactApi list_contacts List contacts
Fastly::ContentApi content_check Check status of content in each POP's cache
Fastly::CustomerApi delete_customer Delete a customer
Fastly::CustomerApi get_customer Get a customer
Fastly::CustomerApi get_logged_in_customer Get the logged in customer
Fastly::CustomerApi list_users List users
Fastly::CustomerApi update_customer Update a customer
Fastly::CustomerAddressesApi create_customer_address Creates an address associated with a customer account.
Fastly::CustomerAddressesApi list_customer_addresses Return the list of addresses associated with a customer account.
Fastly::CustomerAddressesApi update_customer_address Updates an address associated with a customer account.
Fastly::DictionaryApi create_dictionary Create an edge dictionary
Fastly::DictionaryApi delete_dictionary Delete an edge dictionary
Fastly::DictionaryApi get_dictionary Get an edge dictionary
Fastly::DictionaryApi list_dictionaries List edge dictionaries
Fastly::DictionaryApi update_dictionary Update an edge dictionary
Fastly::DictionaryInfoApi get_dictionary_info Get edge dictionary metadata
Fastly::DictionaryItemApi bulk_update_dictionary_item Update multiple entries in an edge dictionary
Fastly::DictionaryItemApi create_dictionary_item Create an entry in an edge dictionary
Fastly::DictionaryItemApi delete_dictionary_item Delete an item from an edge dictionary
Fastly::DictionaryItemApi get_dictionary_item Get an item from an edge dictionary
Fastly::DictionaryItemApi list_dictionary_items List items in an edge dictionary
Fastly::DictionaryItemApi update_dictionary_item Update an entry in an edge dictionary
Fastly::DictionaryItemApi upsert_dictionary_item Insert or update an entry in an edge dictionary
Fastly::DiffApi diff_service_versions Diff two service versions
Fastly::DirectorApi create_director Create a director
Fastly::DirectorApi delete_director Delete a director
Fastly::DirectorApi get_director Get a director
Fastly::DirectorApi list_directors List directors
Fastly::DirectorApi update_director Update a director
Fastly::DirectorBackendApi create_director_backend Create a director-backend relationship
Fastly::DirectorBackendApi delete_director_backend Delete a director-backend relationship
Fastly::DirectorBackendApi get_director_backend Get a director-backend relationship
Fastly::DomainApi check_domain Validate DNS configuration for a single domain on a service
Fastly::DomainApi check_domains Validate DNS configuration for all domains on a service
Fastly::DomainApi create_domain Add a domain name to a service
Fastly::DomainApi delete_domain Remove a domain from a service
Fastly::DomainApi get_domain Describe a domain
Fastly::DomainApi list_domains List domains
Fastly::DomainApi update_domain Update a domain
Fastly::DomainInspectorHistoricalApi get_domain_inspector_historical Get historical domain data for a service
Fastly::DomainInspectorRealtimeApi get_domain_inspector_last120_seconds Get real-time domain data for the last 120 seconds
Fastly::DomainInspectorRealtimeApi get_domain_inspector_last_max_entries Get a limited number of real-time domain data entries
Fastly::DomainInspectorRealtimeApi get_domain_inspector_last_second Get real-time domain data from a specified time
Fastly::DomainOwnershipsApi list_domain_ownerships List domain-ownerships
Fastly::EnabledProductsApi disable_product Disable a product
Fastly::EnabledProductsApi enable_product Enable a product
Fastly::EnabledProductsApi get_enabled_product Get enabled product
Fastly::EnabledProductsApi get_product_configuration Get configuration for a product
Fastly::EnabledProductsApi set_product_configuration Update configuration for a product
Fastly::EventsApi get_event Get an event
Fastly::EventsApi list_events List events
Fastly::GzipApi create_gzip_config Create a gzip configuration
Fastly::GzipApi delete_gzip_config Delete a gzip configuration
Fastly::GzipApi get_gzip_configs Get a gzip configuration
Fastly::GzipApi list_gzip_configs List gzip configurations
Fastly::GzipApi update_gzip_config Update a gzip configuration
Fastly::HeaderApi create_header_object Create a Header object
Fastly::HeaderApi delete_header_object Delete a Header object
Fastly::HeaderApi get_header_object Get a Header object
Fastly::HeaderApi list_header_objects List Header objects
Fastly::HeaderApi update_header_object Update a Header object
Fastly::HealthcheckApi create_healthcheck Create a health check
Fastly::HealthcheckApi delete_healthcheck Delete a health check
Fastly::HealthcheckApi get_healthcheck Get a health check
Fastly::HealthcheckApi list_healthchecks List health checks
Fastly::HealthcheckApi update_healthcheck Update a health check
Fastly::HistoricalApi get_hist_stats Get historical stats
Fastly::HistoricalApi get_hist_stats_aggregated Get aggregated historical stats
Fastly::HistoricalApi get_hist_stats_field Get historical stats for a single field
Fastly::HistoricalApi get_hist_stats_service Get historical stats for a single service
Fastly::HistoricalApi get_hist_stats_service_field Get historical stats for a single service/field combination
Fastly::HistoricalApi get_regions Get region codes
Fastly::HistoricalApi get_usage Get usage statistics
Fastly::HistoricalApi get_usage_month Get month-to-date usage statistics
Fastly::HistoricalApi get_usage_service Get usage statistics per service
Fastly::Http3Api create_http3 Enable support for HTTP/3
Fastly::Http3Api delete_http3 Disable support for HTTP/3
Fastly::Http3Api get_http3 Get HTTP/3 status
Fastly::IamPermissionsApi list_permissions List permissions
Fastly::IamRolesApi add_role_permissions Add permissions to a role
Fastly::IamRolesApi create_a_role Create a role
Fastly::IamRolesApi delete_a_role Delete a role
Fastly::IamRolesApi get_a_role Get a role
Fastly::IamRolesApi list_role_permissions List permissions in a role
Fastly::IamRolesApi list_roles List roles
Fastly::IamRolesApi remove_role_permissions Remove permissions from a role
Fastly::IamRolesApi update_a_role Update a role
Fastly::IamServiceGroupsApi add_service_group_services Add services in a service group
Fastly::IamServiceGroupsApi create_a_service_group Create a service group
Fastly::IamServiceGroupsApi delete_a_service_group Delete a service group
Fastly::IamServiceGroupsApi get_a_service_group Get a service group
Fastly::IamServiceGroupsApi list_service_group_services List services to a service group
Fastly::IamServiceGroupsApi list_service_groups List service groups
Fastly::IamServiceGroupsApi remove_service_group_services Remove services from a service group
Fastly::IamServiceGroupsApi update_a_service_group Update a service group
Fastly::IamUserGroupsApi add_user_group_members Add members to a user group
Fastly::IamUserGroupsApi add_user_group_roles Add roles to a user group
Fastly::IamUserGroupsApi add_user_group_service_groups Add service groups to a user group
Fastly::IamUserGroupsApi create_a_user_group Create a user group
Fastly::IamUserGroupsApi delete_a_user_group Delete a user group
Fastly::IamUserGroupsApi get_a_user_group Get a user group
Fastly::IamUserGroupsApi list_user_group_members List members of a user group
Fastly::IamUserGroupsApi list_user_group_roles List roles in a user group
Fastly::IamUserGroupsApi list_user_group_service_groups List service groups in a user group
Fastly::IamUserGroupsApi list_user_groups List user groups
Fastly::IamUserGroupsApi remove_user_group_members Remove members of a user group
Fastly::IamUserGroupsApi remove_user_group_roles Remove roles from a user group
Fastly::IamUserGroupsApi remove_user_group_service_groups Remove service groups from a user group
Fastly::IamUserGroupsApi update_a_user_group Update a user group
Fastly::ImageOptimizerDefaultSettingsApi get_default_settings Get current Image Optimizer Default Settings
Fastly::ImageOptimizerDefaultSettingsApi update_default_settings Update Image Optimizer Default Settings
Fastly::InvitationsApi create_invitation Create an invitation
Fastly::InvitationsApi delete_invitation Delete an invitation
Fastly::InvitationsApi list_invitations List invitations
Fastly::KvStoreApi create_store Create a KV store.
Fastly::KvStoreApi delete_store Delete a KV store.
Fastly::KvStoreApi get_store Describe a KV store.
Fastly::KvStoreApi get_stores List KV stores.
Fastly::KvStoreItemApi delete_key_from_store Delete kv store item.
Fastly::KvStoreItemApi get_keys List kv store keys.
Fastly::KvStoreItemApi get_value_for_key Get the value of an kv store item
Fastly::KvStoreItemApi set_value_for_key Insert an item into an kv store
Fastly::LegacyWafConfigurationSetsApi list_waf_config_sets List configuration sets
Fastly::LegacyWafConfigurationSetsApi list_wafs_config_set List WAFs currently using a configuration set
Fastly::LegacyWafConfigurationSetsApi use_waf_config_set Apply a configuration set to a WAF
Fastly::LegacyWafFirewallApi create_legacy_waf_firewall_service Create a firewall
Fastly::LegacyWafFirewallApi disable_legacy_waf_firewall Disable a firewall
Fastly::LegacyWafFirewallApi enable_legacy_waf_firewall Enable a firewall
Fastly::LegacyWafFirewallApi get_legacy_waf_firewall Get a firewall object
Fastly::LegacyWafFirewallApi get_legacy_waf_firewall_service Get a firewall
Fastly::LegacyWafFirewallApi list_legacy_waf_firewalls List active firewalls
Fastly::LegacyWafFirewallApi list_legacy_waf_firewalls_service List firewalls
Fastly::LegacyWafFirewallApi update_legacy_waf_firewall_service Update a firewall
Fastly::LegacyWafOwaspApi create_owasp_settings Create an OWASP settings object
Fastly::LegacyWafOwaspApi get_owasp_settings Get the OWASP settings object
Fastly::LegacyWafOwaspApi update_owasp_settings Update the OWASP settings object
Fastly::LegacyWafRuleApi get_legacy_waf_firewall_rule_vcl Get VCL for a rule associated with a firewall
Fastly::LegacyWafRuleApi get_legacy_waf_rule Get a rule
Fastly::LegacyWafRuleApi get_legacy_waf_rule_vcl Get VCL for a rule
Fastly::LegacyWafRuleApi list_legacy_waf_rules List rules in the latest configuration set
Fastly::LegacyWafRuleStatusApi get_waf_firewall_rule_status Get the status of a rule on a firewall
Fastly::LegacyWafRuleStatusApi list_waf_firewall_rule_statuses List rule statuses
Fastly::LegacyWafRuleStatusApi update_waf_firewall_rule_status Update the status of a rule
Fastly::LegacyWafRuleStatusApi update_waf_firewall_rule_statuses_tag Create or update status of a tagged group of rules
Fastly::LegacyWafRulesetApi get_waf_ruleset Get a WAF ruleset
Fastly::LegacyWafRulesetApi get_waf_ruleset_vcl Generate WAF ruleset VCL
Fastly::LegacyWafRulesetApi update_waf_ruleset Update a WAF ruleset
Fastly::LegacyWafTagApi list_legacy_waf_tags List WAF tags
Fastly::LegacyWafUpdateStatusApi get_waf_update_status Get the status of a WAF update
Fastly::LegacyWafUpdateStatusApi list_waf_update_statuses List update statuses
Fastly::LoggingAzureblobApi create_log_azure Create an Azure Blob Storage log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingAzureblobApi delete_log_azure Delete the Azure Blob Storage log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingAzureblobApi get_log_azure Get an Azure Blob Storage log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingAzureblobApi list_log_azure List Azure Blob Storage log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingAzureblobApi update_log_azure Update an Azure Blob Storage log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingBigqueryApi create_log_bigquery Create a BigQuery log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingBigqueryApi delete_log_bigquery Delete a BigQuery log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingBigqueryApi get_log_bigquery Get a BigQuery log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingBigqueryApi list_log_bigquery List BigQuery log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingBigqueryApi update_log_bigquery Update a BigQuery log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingCloudfilesApi create_log_cloudfiles Create a Cloud Files log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingCloudfilesApi delete_log_cloudfiles Delete the Cloud Files log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingCloudfilesApi get_log_cloudfiles Get a Cloud Files log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingCloudfilesApi list_log_cloudfiles List Cloud Files log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingCloudfilesApi update_log_cloudfiles Update the Cloud Files log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingDatadogApi create_log_datadog Create a Datadog log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingDatadogApi delete_log_datadog Delete a Datadog log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingDatadogApi get_log_datadog Get a Datadog log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingDatadogApi list_log_datadog List Datadog log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingDatadogApi update_log_datadog Update a Datadog log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingDigitaloceanApi create_log_digocean Create a DigitalOcean Spaces log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingDigitaloceanApi delete_log_digocean Delete a DigitalOcean Spaces log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingDigitaloceanApi get_log_digocean Get a DigitalOcean Spaces log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingDigitaloceanApi list_log_digocean List DigitalOcean Spaces log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingDigitaloceanApi update_log_digocean Update a DigitalOcean Spaces log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingElasticsearchApi create_log_elasticsearch Create an Elasticsearch log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingElasticsearchApi delete_log_elasticsearch Delete an Elasticsearch log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingElasticsearchApi get_log_elasticsearch Get an Elasticsearch log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingElasticsearchApi list_log_elasticsearch List Elasticsearch log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingElasticsearchApi update_log_elasticsearch Update an Elasticsearch log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingFtpApi create_log_ftp Create an FTP log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingFtpApi delete_log_ftp Delete an FTP log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingFtpApi get_log_ftp Get an FTP log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingFtpApi list_log_ftp List FTP log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingFtpApi update_log_ftp Update an FTP log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingGcsApi create_log_gcs Create a GCS log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingGcsApi delete_log_gcs Delete a GCS log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingGcsApi get_log_gcs Get a GCS log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingGcsApi list_log_gcs List GCS log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingGcsApi update_log_gcs Update a GCS log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingHerokuApi create_log_heroku Create a Heroku log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingHerokuApi delete_log_heroku Delete the Heroku log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingHerokuApi get_log_heroku Get a Heroku log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingHerokuApi list_log_heroku List Heroku log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingHerokuApi update_log_heroku Update the Heroku log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingHoneycombApi create_log_honeycomb Create a Honeycomb log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingHoneycombApi delete_log_honeycomb Delete the Honeycomb log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingHoneycombApi get_log_honeycomb Get a Honeycomb log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingHoneycombApi list_log_honeycomb List Honeycomb log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingHoneycombApi update_log_honeycomb Update a Honeycomb log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingHttpsApi create_log_https Create an HTTPS log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingHttpsApi delete_log_https Delete an HTTPS log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingHttpsApi get_log_https Get an HTTPS log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingHttpsApi list_log_https List HTTPS log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingHttpsApi update_log_https Update an HTTPS log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingKafkaApi create_log_kafka Create a Kafka log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingKafkaApi delete_log_kafka Delete the Kafka log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingKafkaApi get_log_kafka Get a Kafka log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingKafkaApi list_log_kafka List Kafka log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingKafkaApi update_log_kafka Update the Kafka log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingKinesisApi create_log_kinesis Create an Amazon Kinesis log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingKinesisApi delete_log_kinesis Delete the Amazon Kinesis log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingKinesisApi get_log_kinesis Get an Amazon Kinesis log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingKinesisApi list_log_kinesis List Amazon Kinesis log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingKinesisApi update_log_kinesis Update the Amazon Kinesis log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingLogentriesApi create_log_logentries Create a Logentries log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingLogentriesApi delete_log_logentries Delete a Logentries log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingLogentriesApi get_log_logentries Get a Logentries log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingLogentriesApi list_log_logentries List Logentries log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingLogentriesApi update_log_logentries Update a Logentries log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingLogglyApi create_log_loggly Create a Loggly log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingLogglyApi delete_log_loggly Delete a Loggly log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingLogglyApi get_log_loggly Get a Loggly log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingLogglyApi list_log_loggly List Loggly log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingLogglyApi update_log_loggly Update a Loggly log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingLogshuttleApi create_log_logshuttle Create a Log Shuttle log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingLogshuttleApi delete_log_logshuttle Delete a Log Shuttle log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingLogshuttleApi get_log_logshuttle Get a Log Shuttle log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingLogshuttleApi list_log_logshuttle List Log Shuttle log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingLogshuttleApi update_log_logshuttle Update a Log Shuttle log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingNewrelicApi create_log_newrelic Create a New Relic log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingNewrelicApi delete_log_newrelic Delete a New Relic log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingNewrelicApi get_log_newrelic Get a New Relic log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingNewrelicApi list_log_newrelic List New Relic log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingNewrelicApi update_log_newrelic Update a New Relic log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingNewrelicotlpApi create_log_newrelicotlp Create a New Relic OTLP endpoint
Fastly::LoggingNewrelicotlpApi delete_log_newrelicotlp Delete a New Relic OTLP endpoint
Fastly::LoggingNewrelicotlpApi get_log_newrelicotlp Get a New Relic OTLP endpoint
Fastly::LoggingNewrelicotlpApi list_log_newrelicotlp List New Relic OTLP endpoints
Fastly::LoggingNewrelicotlpApi update_log_newrelicotlp Update a New Relic log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingOpenstackApi create_log_openstack Create an OpenStack log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingOpenstackApi delete_log_openstack Delete an OpenStack log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingOpenstackApi get_log_openstack Get an OpenStack log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingOpenstackApi list_log_openstack List OpenStack log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingOpenstackApi update_log_openstack Update an OpenStack log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingPapertrailApi create_log_papertrail Create a Papertrail log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingPapertrailApi delete_log_papertrail Delete a Papertrail log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingPapertrailApi get_log_papertrail Get a Papertrail log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingPapertrailApi list_log_papertrail List Papertrail log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingPapertrailApi update_log_papertrail Update a Papertrail log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingPubsubApi create_log_gcp_pubsub Create a GCP Cloud Pub/Sub log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingPubsubApi delete_log_gcp_pubsub Delete a GCP Cloud Pub/Sub log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingPubsubApi get_log_gcp_pubsub Get a GCP Cloud Pub/Sub log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingPubsubApi list_log_gcp_pubsub List GCP Cloud Pub/Sub log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingPubsubApi update_log_gcp_pubsub Update a GCP Cloud Pub/Sub log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingS3Api create_log_aws_s3 Create an AWS S3 log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingS3Api delete_log_aws_s3 Delete an AWS S3 log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingS3Api get_log_aws_s3 Get an AWS S3 log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingS3Api list_log_aws_s3 List AWS S3 log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingS3Api update_log_aws_s3 Update an AWS S3 log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingScalyrApi create_log_scalyr Create a Scalyr log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingScalyrApi delete_log_scalyr Delete the Scalyr log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingScalyrApi get_log_scalyr Get a Scalyr log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingScalyrApi list_log_scalyr List Scalyr log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingScalyrApi update_log_scalyr Update the Scalyr log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingSftpApi create_log_sftp Create an SFTP log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingSftpApi delete_log_sftp Delete an SFTP log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingSftpApi get_log_sftp Get an SFTP log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingSftpApi list_log_sftp List SFTP log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingSftpApi update_log_sftp Update an SFTP log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingSplunkApi create_log_splunk Create a Splunk log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingSplunkApi delete_log_splunk Delete a Splunk log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingSplunkApi get_log_splunk Get a Splunk log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingSplunkApi list_log_splunk List Splunk log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingSplunkApi update_log_splunk Update a Splunk log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingSumologicApi create_log_sumologic Create a Sumologic log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingSumologicApi delete_log_sumologic Delete a Sumologic log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingSumologicApi get_log_sumologic Get a Sumologic log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingSumologicApi list_log_sumologic List Sumologic log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingSumologicApi update_log_sumologic Update a Sumologic log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingSyslogApi create_log_syslog Create a syslog log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingSyslogApi delete_log_syslog Delete a syslog log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingSyslogApi get_log_syslog Get a syslog log endpoint
Fastly::LoggingSyslogApi list_log_syslog List Syslog log endpoints
Fastly::LoggingSyslogApi update_log_syslog Update a syslog log endpoint
Fastly::MutualAuthenticationApi create_mutual_tls_authentication Create a Mutual Authentication
Fastly::MutualAuthenticationApi delete_mutual_tls Delete a Mutual TLS
Fastly::MutualAuthenticationApi get_mutual_authentication Get a Mutual Authentication
Fastly::MutualAuthenticationApi list_mutual_authentications List Mutual Authentications
Fastly::MutualAuthenticationApi patch_mutual_authentication Update a Mutual Authentication
Fastly::ObservabilityCustomDashboardsApi create_dashboard Create a new dashboard
Fastly::ObservabilityCustomDashboardsApi delete_dashboard Delete an existing dashboard
Fastly::ObservabilityCustomDashboardsApi get_dashboard Retrieve a dashboard by ID
Fastly::ObservabilityCustomDashboardsApi list_dashboards List all custom dashboards
Fastly::ObservabilityCustomDashboardsApi update_dashboard Update an existing dashboard
Fastly::OriginInspectorHistoricalApi get_origin_inspector_historical Get historical origin data for a service
Fastly::OriginInspectorRealtimeApi get_origin_inspector_last120_seconds Get real-time origin data for the last 120 seconds
Fastly::OriginInspectorRealtimeApi get_origin_inspector_last_max_entries Get a limited number of real-time origin data entries
Fastly::OriginInspectorRealtimeApi get_origin_inspector_last_second Get real-time origin data from specific time.
Fastly::PackageApi get_package Get details of the service's Compute package.
Fastly::PackageApi put_package Upload a Compute package.
Fastly::PoolApi create_server_pool Create a server pool
Fastly::PoolApi delete_server_pool Delete a server pool
Fastly::PoolApi get_server_pool Get a server pool
Fastly::PoolApi list_server_pools List server pools
Fastly::PoolApi update_server_pool Update a server pool
Fastly::PopApi list_pops List Fastly POPs
Fastly::PublicIpListApi list_fastly_ips List Fastly's public IPs
Fastly::PublishApi publish Send messages to Fanout subscribers
Fastly::PurgeApi bulk_purge_tag Purge multiple surrogate key tags
Fastly::PurgeApi purge_all Purge everything from a service
Fastly::PurgeApi purge_single_url Purge a URL
Fastly::PurgeApi purge_tag Purge by surrogate key tag
Fastly::RateLimiterApi create_rate_limiter Create a rate limiter
Fastly::RateLimiterApi delete_rate_limiter Delete a rate limiter
Fastly::RateLimiterApi get_rate_limiter Get a rate limiter
Fastly::RateLimiterApi list_rate_limiters List rate limiters
Fastly::RateLimiterApi update_rate_limiter Update a rate limiter
Fastly::RealtimeApi get_stats_last120_seconds Get real-time data for the last 120 seconds
Fastly::RealtimeApi get_stats_last120_seconds_limit_entries Get a limited number of real-time data entries
Fastly::RealtimeApi get_stats_last_second Get real-time data from specified time
Fastly::RequestSettingsApi create_request_settings Create a Request Settings object
Fastly::RequestSettingsApi delete_request_settings Delete a Request Settings object
Fastly::RequestSettingsApi get_request_settings Get a Request Settings object
Fastly::RequestSettingsApi list_request_settings List Request Settings objects
Fastly::RequestSettingsApi update_request_settings Update a Request Settings object
Fastly::ResourceApi create_resource Create a resource link
Fastly::ResourceApi delete_resource Delete a resource link
Fastly::ResourceApi get_resource Display a resource link
Fastly::ResourceApi list_resources List resource links
Fastly::ResourceApi update_resource Update a resource link
Fastly::ResponseObjectApi create_response_object Create a Response object
Fastly::ResponseObjectApi delete_response_object Delete a Response Object
Fastly::ResponseObjectApi get_response_object Get a Response object
Fastly::ResponseObjectApi list_response_objects List Response objects
Fastly::ResponseObjectApi update_response_object Update a Response object
Fastly::SecretStoreApi client_key Create new client key
Fastly::SecretStoreApi create_secret_store Create new secret store
Fastly::SecretStoreApi delete_secret_store Delete secret store
Fastly::SecretStoreApi get_secret_store Get secret store by ID
Fastly::SecretStoreApi get_secret_stores Get all secret stores
Fastly::SecretStoreApi signing_key Get public key
Fastly::SecretStoreItemApi create_secret Create a new secret in a store.
Fastly::SecretStoreItemApi delete_secret Delete a secret from a store.
Fastly::SecretStoreItemApi get_secret Get secret metadata.
Fastly::SecretStoreItemApi get_secrets List secrets within a store.
Fastly::SecretStoreItemApi must_recreate_secret Recreate a secret in a store.
Fastly::SecretStoreItemApi recreate_secret Create or recreate a secret in a store.
Fastly::ServerApi create_pool_server Add a server to a pool
Fastly::ServerApi delete_pool_server Delete a server from a pool
Fastly::ServerApi get_pool_server Get a pool server
Fastly::ServerApi list_pool_servers List servers in a pool
Fastly::ServerApi update_pool_server Update a server
Fastly::ServiceApi create_service Create a service
Fastly::ServiceApi delete_service Delete a service
Fastly::ServiceApi get_service Get a service
Fastly::ServiceApi get_service_detail Get service details
Fastly::ServiceApi list_service_domains List the domains within a service
Fastly::ServiceApi list_services List services
Fastly::ServiceApi search_service Search for a service by name
Fastly::ServiceApi update_service Update a service
Fastly::ServiceAuthorizationsApi create_service_authorization Create service authorization
Fastly::ServiceAuthorizationsApi delete_service_authorization Delete service authorization
Fastly::ServiceAuthorizationsApi delete_service_authorization2 Delete service authorizations
Fastly::ServiceAuthorizationsApi list_service_authorization List service authorizations
Fastly::ServiceAuthorizationsApi show_service_authorization Show service authorization
Fastly::ServiceAuthorizationsApi update_service_authorization Update service authorization
Fastly::ServiceAuthorizationsApi update_service_authorization2 Update service authorizations
Fastly::SettingsApi get_service_settings Get service settings
Fastly::SettingsApi update_service_settings Update service settings
Fastly::SnippetApi create_snippet Create a snippet
Fastly::SnippetApi delete_snippet Delete a snippet
Fastly::SnippetApi get_snippet Get a versioned snippet
Fastly::SnippetApi get_snippet_dynamic Get a dynamic snippet
Fastly::SnippetApi list_snippets List snippets
Fastly::SnippetApi update_snippet Update a versioned snippet
Fastly::SnippetApi update_snippet_dynamic Update a dynamic snippet
Fastly::StarApi create_service_star Create a star
Fastly::StarApi delete_service_star Delete a star
Fastly::StarApi get_service_star Get a star
Fastly::StarApi list_service_stars List stars
Fastly::StatsApi get_service_stats Get stats for a service
Fastly::SudoApi request_sudo_access Request Sudo access
Fastly::TlsActivationsApi create_tls_activation Enable TLS for a domain using a custom certificate
Fastly::TlsActivationsApi delete_tls_activation Disable TLS on a domain
Fastly::TlsActivationsApi get_tls_activation Get a TLS activation
Fastly::TlsActivationsApi list_tls_activations List TLS activations
Fastly::TlsActivationsApi update_tls_activation Update a certificate
Fastly::TlsBulkCertificatesApi delete_bulk_tls_cert Delete a certificate
Fastly::TlsBulkCertificatesApi get_tls_bulk_cert Get a certificate
Fastly::TlsBulkCertificatesApi list_tls_bulk_certs List certificates
Fastly::TlsBulkCertificatesApi update_bulk_tls_cert Update a certificate
Fastly::TlsBulkCertificatesApi upload_tls_bulk_cert Upload a certificate
Fastly::TlsCertificatesApi create_tls_cert Create a TLS certificate
Fastly::TlsCertificatesApi delete_tls_cert Delete a TLS certificate
Fastly::TlsCertificatesApi get_tls_cert Get a TLS certificate
Fastly::TlsCertificatesApi get_tls_cert_blob Get a TLS certificate blob (Limited Availability)
Fastly::TlsCertificatesApi list_tls_certs List TLS certificates
Fastly::TlsCertificatesApi update_tls_cert Update a TLS certificate
Fastly::TlsConfigurationsApi get_tls_config Get a TLS configuration
Fastly::TlsConfigurationsApi list_tls_configs List TLS configurations
Fastly::TlsConfigurationsApi update_tls_config Update a TLS configuration
Fastly::TlsCsrsApi create_csr Create CSR
Fastly::TlsDomainsApi list_tls_domains List TLS domains
Fastly::TlsPrivateKeysApi create_tls_key Create a TLS private key
Fastly::TlsPrivateKeysApi delete_tls_key Delete a TLS private key
Fastly::TlsPrivateKeysApi get_tls_key Get a TLS private key
Fastly::TlsPrivateKeysApi list_tls_keys List TLS private keys
Fastly::TlsSubscriptionsApi create_globalsign_email_challenge Creates a GlobalSign email challenge.
Fastly::TlsSubscriptionsApi create_tls_sub Create a TLS subscription
Fastly::TlsSubscriptionsApi delete_globalsign_email_challenge Delete a GlobalSign email challenge
Fastly::TlsSubscriptionsApi delete_tls_sub Delete a TLS subscription
Fastly::TlsSubscriptionsApi get_tls_sub Get a TLS subscription
Fastly::TlsSubscriptionsApi list_tls_subs List TLS subscriptions
Fastly::TlsSubscriptionsApi patch_tls_sub Update a TLS subscription
Fastly::TokensApi bulk_revoke_tokens Revoke multiple tokens
Fastly::TokensApi create_token Create a token
Fastly::TokensApi get_token Get a token
Fastly::TokensApi get_token_current Get the current token
Fastly::TokensApi list_tokens_customer List tokens for a customer
Fastly::TokensApi list_tokens_user List tokens for the authenticated user
Fastly::TokensApi revoke_token Revoke a token
Fastly::TokensApi revoke_token_current Revoke the current token
Fastly::UserApi create_user Create a user
Fastly::UserApi delete_user Delete a user
Fastly::UserApi get_current_user Get the current user
Fastly::UserApi get_user Get a user
Fastly::UserApi request_password_reset Request a password reset
Fastly::UserApi update_user Update a user
Fastly::UserApi update_user_password Update the user's password
Fastly::VclApi create_custom_vcl Create a custom VCL file
Fastly::VclApi delete_custom_vcl Delete a custom VCL file
Fastly::VclApi get_custom_vcl Get a custom VCL file
Fastly::VclApi get_custom_vcl_boilerplate Get boilerplate VCL
Fastly::VclApi get_custom_vcl_generated Get the generated VCL for a service
Fastly::VclApi get_custom_vcl_generated_highlighted Get the generated VCL with syntax highlighting
Fastly::VclApi get_custom_vcl_highlighted Get a custom VCL file with syntax highlighting
Fastly::VclApi get_custom_vcl_raw Download a custom VCL file
Fastly::VclApi lint_vcl_default Lint (validate) VCL using a default set of flags.
Fastly::VclApi lint_vcl_for_service Lint (validate) VCL using flags set for the service.
Fastly::VclApi list_custom_vcl List custom VCL files
Fastly::VclApi set_custom_vcl_main Set a custom VCL file as main
Fastly::VclApi update_custom_vcl Update a custom VCL file
Fastly::VclDiffApi vcl_diff_service_versions Get a comparison of the VCL changes between two service versions
Fastly::VersionApi activate_service_version Activate a service version
Fastly::VersionApi activate_service_version_environment Activate a service version on the specified environment
Fastly::VersionApi clone_service_version Clone a service version
Fastly::VersionApi create_service_version Create a service version
Fastly::VersionApi deactivate_service_version Deactivate a service version
Fastly::VersionApi deactivate_service_version_environment Deactivate a service version on an environment
Fastly::VersionApi get_service_version Get a version of a service
Fastly::VersionApi list_service_versions List versions of a service
Fastly::VersionApi lock_service_version Lock a service version
Fastly::VersionApi update_service_version Update a service version
Fastly::VersionApi validate_service_version Validate a service version
Fastly::WafActiveRulesApi bulk_delete_waf_active_rules Delete multiple active rules from a WAF
Fastly::WafActiveRulesApi bulk_update_waf_active_rules Update multiple active rules
Fastly::WafActiveRulesApi create_waf_active_rule Add a rule to a WAF as an active rule
Fastly::WafActiveRulesApi create_waf_active_rules_tag Create active rules by tag
Fastly::WafActiveRulesApi delete_waf_active_rule Delete an active rule
Fastly::WafActiveRulesApi get_waf_active_rule Get an active WAF rule object
Fastly::WafActiveRulesApi list_waf_active_rules List active rules on a WAF
Fastly::WafActiveRulesApi update_waf_active_rule Update an active rule
Fastly::WafExclusionsApi create_waf_rule_exclusion Create a WAF rule exclusion
Fastly::WafExclusionsApi delete_waf_rule_exclusion Delete a WAF rule exclusion
Fastly::WafExclusionsApi get_waf_rule_exclusion Get a WAF rule exclusion
Fastly::WafExclusionsApi list_waf_rule_exclusions List WAF rule exclusions
Fastly::WafExclusionsApi update_waf_rule_exclusion Update a WAF rule exclusion
Fastly::WafFirewallVersionsApi clone_waf_firewall_version Clone a firewall version
Fastly::WafFirewallVersionsApi create_waf_firewall_version Create a firewall version
Fastly::WafFirewallVersionsApi deploy_activate_waf_firewall_version Deploy or activate a firewall version
Fastly::WafFirewallVersionsApi get_waf_firewall_version Get a firewall version
Fastly::WafFirewallVersionsApi list_waf_firewall_versions List firewall versions
Fastly::WafFirewallVersionsApi update_waf_firewall_version Update a firewall version
Fastly::WafFirewallsApi create_waf_firewall Create a firewall
Fastly::WafFirewallsApi delete_waf_firewall Delete a firewall
Fastly::WafFirewallsApi get_waf_firewall Get a firewall
Fastly::WafFirewallsApi list_waf_firewalls List firewalls
Fastly::WafFirewallsApi update_waf_firewall Update a firewall
Fastly::WafRuleRevisionsApi get_waf_rule_revision Get a revision of a rule
Fastly::WafRuleRevisionsApi list_waf_rule_revisions List revisions for a rule
Fastly::WafRulesApi get_waf_rule Get a rule
Fastly::WafRulesApi list_waf_rules List available WAF rules
Fastly::WafTagsApi list_waf_tags List tags
Fastly::WholePlatformDdosHistoricalApi get_platform_ddos_historical Get historical DDoS metrics for the entire Fastly platform


The fastly-ruby API client currently does not support the following endpoints:

If you encounter any non-security-related bug or unexpected behavior, please file an issue using the bug report template.

Security issues

Please see our for guidance on reporting security-related issues.
