Fathom API
🛠 An easy to use client with the Fathom API
You'll need a usefathom.com account to use the API, if you don't have one click here to sign up.
As of August 17th, 2021 the API was still early-access, so some endpoints may be different than in production. Feel free to submit a PR or issue. Contributions are welcome!
Add fathom_api
to your application's Gemfile:
bundle add fathom_api
# OR in the Gemfile
gem "fathom_api"
Create a client to get started, passing an api_key
you generate in your Fathom API settings.
client = Fathom::Client.new(api_key: ENV['FATHOM_API_KEY'])
Fetch account details
# Get account details
# => Fathom::Account
Responses are wrapped in an object that dynamically allows you to call the attributes as if they are an OpenStruct... IE
response = client.account.info
# => #<Fathom::Account:0x00007fee844068c8 @attributes=#<OpenStruct id=12345, name="Your account name", email="you@starfleet.org", object="account">>
# => "Your account name"
# => "you@starfleet.org"
When an API's response comes back with a object of "list", we automatically wrap that to attempt to provide some helper methods to ease your implementations.
list = client.sites.list(limit: 1)
# => Fathom::List
# We provide two helper methods to allow you to get the first or last id from the data response
# check if the list has more after it with
# => true
# use the next page cursor in your next response
list2 = client.sites.list(limit: 1, starting_after: list.last_id)
# Optionally, pass params in to filter / limit responses
# Limit can be between 1 and 100
client.sites.list(limit: 1, starting_after: "SITE_ID")
# => Fathom::List
client.sites.retrieve(site_id: site_id)
client.sites.create({}) # Include `name` and other params
client.sites.update(site_id: site_id, {}) # Params being updated
client.sites.delete(site_id: site_id)
client.sites.wipe(site_id: site_id)
# All return
# => Fathom::Site
client.events.list(site_id: site_id)
# => Fathom::List
# Optionally, pass params in to filter / limit responses
# Limit can be between 1 and 100
client.events.list(site_id: site_id, limit: 10, starting_after: "EVENT_ID")
# => Fathom::List
client.events.retrieve(site_id: site_id, event_id: event_id)
client.events.create(site_id: site_id, {}) # Attributes for event
client.events.update(site_id: site_id, {}) # Attributes being updated
client.events.delete(site_id: site_id, event_id: event_id)
client.events.wipe(site_id: site_id, event_id: event_id)
# All return
# Fathom::Event
Current Visitors
client.current_visitors(site_id: site_id, {}) # Can add detailed: true for a more detailed report
client.aggregations.list(entity_id: entity_id, entity: entity, aggregates: aggregates, **params)
You can find all the available parameters in the official Fathom docs
🙏 Contributing
This project uses Standard for formatting Ruby code. Please make sure to run standardrb before submitting pull requests. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.
Code of Conduct
Everyone interacting in the FathomApi project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.
📝 License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.