A simple text template system inspired by Mustache for generating output for a variety of uses including plain-text, HTML, and JavaScript.
The straight-forward usage is substitutions:
template = Feather::Template.new("This {{noun}} is {{adjective}}")
template.render(:noun => 'shoe', :adjective => 'red')
# => "This shoe is red"
If required, the content can be HTML-escaped automatically:
template = Feather::Template.new(
"This {{noun}} is {{adjective}}",
:escape => :html
template.render(:noun => 'goose', :adjective => '<em>blue</em>')
# => "This goose is <em>blue</em>"
This can also be engaged on a case-by-case basis:
template = Feather::Template.new("This {{&noun}} is {{adjective}}")
template.render(:noun => '<b>goose</b>', :adjective => '<em>blue</em>')
# => "This <b>goose</b> is <em>blue</em>"
Also available is URI encoding for links:
template = Feather::Template.new(
"<a href='/home?user_id={{%user_id}}'>{{&label}}</a>"
template.render(:user_id => 'joe&2', :label => 'Joe&2')
# => "<a href='/home?user_id=joe%262'>Joe&2</a>"
A sample template is located in:
A number of other usage cases are described in test/test_feather_template.rb as a reference.
Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Scott Tadman, PostageApp Ltd. See LICENSE.txt for further details.