I've got your feature flags implementation right here.
This is a fork/rewrite of James Golick's Rollout with messy and incomplete docs.
So far, the specs are green and are mostly inherited from Rollout. This is not a drop in replacement. The API has already changed.
Namely, groups
are now scopes
and users
are individuals
Agent_ids are expected to be uuids, not the object itself.
There are currently 3 gems in this ecosystem:
gem 'feature_creep'
gem 'feature_creep-redis'
gem 'feature_creep-simple_strategy'
The class constructor now takes
-- FeatureCreep::RedisDatastore is provided with more to come.
-- should be a lambda that takes two parameters and returns a hash when called
-- is also a lambda that takes two parameters and returns a boolean. It encapsulates the business logic for FeatureCreep#active?
-- an aptly named options hash
is a hash that expects a string key and a lambda that encapsulates the business logic for membership in a scope
is an array of strings or symbols that will add to the list of all possible features.
@feature_creep = FeatureCreep.new(FeatureCreep::RedisDataStore.new(Redis.new,"parent_namespace"), FeatureCreep::SimpleStrategy.warden, FeatureCreep::SimpleStrategy.info, {:scopes => {:some_scope_name => lambda { |individual| User.find(individual).can?(:some_scope) }}, :features => [:feature_1, :feature_2]})
At this point it should be easy to extend. I would expect the API to stablize over the next couple of weeks.