Rss and Atom feed parser built on top of Nokogiri. Supports custom sanitizers.
Build Status
FeedParser gem is tested on Ruby 1.9.3 and 2.0.0. 1.8.7 should work with Nokogiri < 1.6.0.
Add to Gemfile
gem "feed_parser"
Parse from URL
fp = FeedParser.new(:url => "http://example.com/feed/")
feed = fp.parse
Optionally pass HTTP options, see more from the OpenURI documentation: http://apidock.com/ruby/OpenURI
fp = FeedParser.new(:url => "http://example.com/feed/", :http => {:ssl_verify_mode => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE})
Parse from an XML string
fp = FeedParser.new(:feed_xml => "<rss>...</rss>")
feed = fp.parse
Use sanitizer
fp = FeedParser.new(:url => "http://example.com/feed/", :sanitizer => MyBestestSanitizer.new)
# sanitizing custom field set
fp = FeedParser.new(:url => "http://example.com/feed/", :sanitizer => MyBestestSanitizer.new, :fields_to_sanitize => [:title, :content])
Using parsed feed in your code
# => {:title => "Feed title", :url => "http://example.com/feed/", :items => [{:guid => , :title => , :author => ...}]}
feed.items.each do |feed_item|
pp feed_item
If the XML is not a valid RSS or an ATOM feed, a FeedParser::UnknownFeedType is raised in FeedParser#parse.
Running tests
Install dependencies:
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
Run rspec tests:
$ bundle exec rake spec
Fork, hack, push, create a pull request.