Robert Feldt's Common Ruby Code lib. I will gradually collect the many generally useful Ruby tidbits I have laying around and clean them up into here. Don't want to rewrite these things again and again... So far this collects a number of generally useful additions to the standard Ruby classes/libs and then includes a simple optimization framework (FeldtRuby::Optimize).
Note that good documentation is not really a focus here. As things mature in here I will move logically unique/separate sets of functionality into separate Ruby libs/gems of useful code. At that point there will be more focus on documentation.
email: robert.feldt ((a)) gmail.com
- Cluster linkage metrics
- Access to R from Ruby (extends existing lib so that you can more easily transfer complex objects back to Ruby)
- ...
Time.timestamp() # Get a timestamp string back with the current time
Basic calc/statistics: sum, mean, average, stdev, variance, rms, weighted_sum, weighted_mean, sum_of_abs, sum_of_abs_deviations
[1,2,3].swap!(0,2) => [3, 2, 1] # destructive swap of two elements
[1,2,5].distance_between_elements => [1, 3]
[15, 1, 7, 0].ranks => [1, 3, 2, 0]
[[2.3, :a], [1.7, :b]].ranks_by {|v| v[0]} => [[1, 2.3, :a], [2, 1.7, :b]]
1.456.round_to_decimals(2) => 1.46 (round to given num of decimals)
Watch for file changes in given paths then call hooks with the updated files.
rand_int(top) # random integer in range 0...top
A simple optimization framework with classes:
- Objective (single or multi-objective optimization critera)
- SearchSpace (capture constraints for optimization values/parameters)
- RandomSearcher (random search for optimal values)
- DifferentialEvolution (effective numerical optimization with evolutionary algorithm)
but also support for different type of logging etc. Setting up an optimization can be quite involved but there is a simple wrapper method, with good defaults, for numerical optimization using DE:
# Optimizing with the Rosenbrock function on [0, 2], see:
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosenbrock_function
require 'feldtruby/optimize'
xbest, ybest = FeldtRuby::Optimize.optimize(0, 2) {|x, y|
(1 - x)**2 + 100*(y - x*x)**2
Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Robert Feldt. See LICENSE.txt for further details.