FFavicon Maker for Rails
Gem adds a rake task for generating favicons for all major browsers and platforms and add helper for adding all favicons to layout. Use of the FaviconMaker library.
Add the following line to your Gemfile:
gem 'ffavicon'
1. Create your PNG favicon* in app/assets/images/favicon.png.
2. Type `rake ffavicon` in your terminal.
3. Your generated favicons will be output into your public directory.
4. Change 'name' in public/manifest.json in your app name
5. Add helper from your layout
<%= ffavicon_tags %>
6. You can add params
<%= ffavicon_tags ms_color: '#00aba9', theme_color: '#ffffff' %>
ms_color - color background for Windows 8 - Tile,
theme_color - color of the task bar in the switcher Android Chrome.
*I recommend to use the size of 260x260 for optimal results
1. If the favicon.png doesn't exist then create the favicon for the first letter of the app name.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.