ffi-vjoy is an FFI wrapper that can be used to interface with the vJoy virtual controller library for Windows. It allows you to create vJoy feeders using a simple Ruby based API.
First you will need to download and install vJoy from http://vjoystick.sourceforge.net/site/. You will also need to open the vJoy configuration, and add at least one controller. Then download the vJoy SDK (also from the above website), and open the "SDK/lib" folder. Copy "vJoyInterface.dll" to either "C:/Windows/SysWOW64" (64-bit Windows version) or "C:/Windows/System32" (32-bit Windows versions). If you are running 64-bit Windows, you will also need to copy the other "vJoyInterface.dll" inside the "amd64" folder into "C:/Windows/System32".
Finally, install the ffi-vjoy gem with:
gem install ffi-vjoy
Enable vJoy support in your project:
require "ffi-vjoy"
Reset vJoy (sets all buttons/axis to neutral state):
Get status of vJoy device (device id is the controller id number from the vJoy configuration):
Return values are as follows: :free - The device is not owned. :own - The device is owned by the current process. :busy - The device is owned by another process. :missing - The device does not exist (check your vJoy configuration).
Create a vJoy instance/take ownership of a device:
VJoy.new(device_id) #raises an exception if the device cannot be acquired
Set the state of a button on the virtual controller:
vjoy.button(button_id, value) #value may be either 1 for pressed, or 0 for not pressed
Set the position of an axis on the virtual controller:
vjoy.axis(axis_id, value) #value may be between -1.0 and 1.0
Set the position of an disc POV on the virtual controller:
vjoy.disc_pov(pov_id, value)
Values can be: :up (or 0) :right (or 1) :down (or 2) :left (or 3)
Set the position of an continuous POV on the virtual controller:
vjoy.cont_pov(pov_id, value)
Values can be: :neutral (or -1) :up (or 0) :upright (or 0.125) :right (or 0.25) :downright (or 0.375) :down (or 0.5) :downleft (or 0.625) :left (or 0.75) :upleft (or 0.875)
This library is licensed under the MIT license.