Flat JSON Unflattener
This is a simple Ruby Gem which Unflattens the Flat JSON data format from the EtherCIS openEHR Clinical Data Repository. It's based on this Unflattener written in JavaScript for the same purpose by Rob Tweed an independent healthcare developer and key member of the Ripple Foundation. We have more-or-less transliterated the code into Ruby, with a few Rubyisms where felt suitable.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'flat_json_unflattener'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install flat_json_unflattener
It's all a bit functional at the moment, it could do with refactoring into a more OO pattern.
Also I can see there being a partner flatten
tool not far behind, so the whole thing will get renamed to something more appropriate
You can use the Ruby code in your own programs with
require 'flat_json_unflattener'
include Unflatten
The unflatten
method expects a JSON string as its single argument. A typical Flat JSON string would look like this:
"ctx/composer_name": "Dr Jonty Shannon",
"ctx/health_care_facility|id": "999999-345",
"ctx/health_care_facility|name": "Home",
"ctx/id_namespace": "NHS-UK",
"ctx/id_scheme": "2.16.840.1.113883.",
"ctx/language": "en",
"ctx/territory": "GB",
"ctx/time": "2016-12-20T00:11:02.518+02:00",
"adverse_reaction_list/allergies_and_adverse_reactions/adverse_reaction_risk:0/_uid": "{{$guid}}",
"adverse_reaction_list/allergies_and_adverse_reactions/adverse_reaction_risk:0/causative_agent|code": "304270095",
"adverse_reaction_list/allergies_and_adverse_reactions/adverse_reaction_risk:0/causative_agent|value": "Erythromycin",
"adverse_reaction_list/allergies_and_adverse_reactions/adverse_reaction_risk:0/causative_agent|terminology": "SNOMED-CT",
"adverse_reaction_list/allergies_and_adverse_reactions/adverse_reaction_risk:0/category|code": "at0122",
"adverse_reaction_list/allergies_and_adverse_reactions/adverse_reaction_risk:0/reaction_details/manifestation:0|code": "422400008",
"adverse_reaction_list/allergies_and_adverse_reactions/adverse_reaction_risk:0/reaction_details/manifestation:0|value": "Vomiting",
"adverse_reaction_list/allergies_and_adverse_reactions/adverse_reaction_risk:0/reaction_details/manifestation:0|terminology": "SNOMED-CT",
"adverse_reaction_list/allergies_and_adverse_reactions/adverse_reaction_risk:0/reaction_details/comment": "Reported by patient\'s carer",
"adverse_reaction_list/allergies_and_adverse_reactions/adverse_reaction_risk:0/last_updated": "2017-12-20T00:11:02.518+02:00"
When you run it through unflatten
you should get something looking more structured, like this
"ctx" => {
"composer_name" => "Dr Jonty Shannon",
"health_care_facility" => {
"|id" => "999999-345",
"|name" => "Home"
"id_namespace" => "NHS-UK",
"id_scheme" => "2.16.840.1.113883.",
"language" => "en",
"territory" => "GB",
"time" => "2016-12-20T00:11:02.518+02:00"
"adverse_reaction_list" => {
"allergies_and_adverse_reactions" => {
"adverse_reaction_risk" => [
[0] {
"_uid" => "{{$guid}}",
"causative_agent" => {
"|code" => "304270095",
"|value" => "Erythromycin",
"|terminology" => "SNOMED-CT"
"category" => {
"|code" => "at0122"
"reaction_details" => {
"manifestation" => [
[0] {
"|code" => "422400008",
"|value" => "Vomiting",
"|terminology" => "SNOMED-CT"
[1] {
"|value" => "Itching"
"comment" => "Reported by patient's carer"
"last_updated" => "2017-12-20T00:11:02.518+02:00"
Command Line Usage
I've added a Thor-based command line tool which is useful for testing stuff out
If you have the gem installed then you should be able to call
unflatten unflatten 'spec/flat_json_unflattener/fixtures/test_flat_json.json'
But if that doesnt' work then you can clone this repo and call it with
chmod +x bin/unflatten
bin/unflatten unflatten 'spec/flat_json_unflattener/fixtures/test_flat_json.json'
The command line tool is a work in progress
Yay, there are a test!
bundle exec rspec spec
will run the test which compares output against a known-correct pair of Flat JSON and Unflattened Flat JSON
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/pacharanero/flat_json_unflattener.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.