Azure DocumentDB output plugin for Fluentd
fluent-plugin-documentdb is a fluent plugin to output to Azure DocumentDB
[NEWS] From fluent-plugin-documentdb-0.2.0, it supports partitioned collections, not only single-partition collections (See Partitioning and scaling in Azure DocumentDB for partitioned collections and single-partition collection ).
fluent-plugin-documentdb | fluentd | ruby |
>= 0.3.0 | >= v0.14.15 | >= 2.1 |
< 0.3.0 | >= v0.12.0 | >= 1.9 |
$ gem install fluent-plugin-documentdb
To use Microsoft Azure DocumentDB, you must create a DocumentDB database account using either the Azure portal, Azure Resource Manager templates, or Azure command-line interface (CLI). In addition, you must have a database and a collection to which fluent-plugin-documentdb writes event-stream out. Here are instructions:
- Create a DocumentDB database account using the Azure portal, or Azure Resource Manager templates and Azure CLI
- How to create a database for DocumentDB
- Create a DocumentDB collection
- Partitioning and scaling in Azure DocumentDB
Fluentd - fluent.conf
<match documentdb.*>
@type documentdb
@log_level info
docdb_account_key DOCUMENTDB_ACCOUNT_KEY
docdb_database mydb
docdb_collection mycollection
auto_create_database true
auto_create_collection true
partitioned_collection true
partition_key PARTITION_EKY
offer_throughput 10100
time_format %s
localtime false
add_time_field true
time_field_name time
add_tag_field true
tag_field_name time
- docdb_endpoint (required) - Azure DocumentDB Account endpoint URI
- docdb_account_key (required) - Azure DocumentDB Account key (master key). You must NOT set a read-only key
- docdb_database (required) - DocumentDB database nameb
- docdb_collection (required) - DocumentDB collection name
- auto_create_database (optional) - Default:true. By default, DocumentDB database named docdb_database will be automatically created if it does not exist
- auto_create_collection (optional) - Default:true. By default, DocumentDB collection named docdb_collection will be automatically created if it does not exist
- partitioned_collection (optional) - Default:false. Set true if you want to create and/or store records to partitioned collection. Set false for single-partition collection
- partition_key (optional) - Default:nil. Partition key must be specified for paritioned collection (partitioned_collection set to be true)
- offer_throughput (optional) - Default:10100. Throughput for the collection expressed in units of 100 request units per second. This is only effective when you newly create a partitioned collection (ie. Both auto_create_collection and partitioned_collection are set to be true )
- localtime (optional) - Default:false. By default, time record is inserted with UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). This option allows to use local time if you set localtime true
- time_format (optional) - Default:%s. Time format for a time field to be inserted. Default format is %s, that is unix epoch time. If you want it to be more human readable, set this %Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S, for example.
- add_time_field (optional) - Default:true. This option allows to insert a time field to record
- time_field_name (optional) - Default:time. Time field name to be inserted
- add_tag_field (optional) - Default:true. This option allows to insert a tag field to record
- tag_field_name (optional) - Default:tag. Tag field name to be inserted
[note] @log_level is a fluentd built-in parameter (optional) that controls verbosity of logging: fatal|error|warn|info|debug|trace (See also Logging of Fluentd)
Configuration examples
fluent-plugin-documentdb will add id attribute which is UUID format and any other attributes of record automatically. In addition, it will add time and tag attributes if add_time_field and add_tag_field are true respectively. Please see 2 types of the plugin configurations example below - single-parition collection and partitioned collection. Source for fluentd to read is apache access log.
(1) Single-Partition Collection Case
@type tail # input plugin
path /var/log/apache2/access.log # monitoring file
pos_file /tmp/fluentd_pos_file # position file
format apache # format
tag documentdb.access # tag
<match documentdb.*>
@type documentdb
docdb_account_key Tl1xykQxnExUisJ+BXwbbaC8NtUqYVE9kUDXCNust5aYBduhui29Xtxz3DLP88PayjtgtnARc1PW+2wlA6jCJw==
docdb_database mydb
docdb_collection my-single-partition-collection
auto_create_database true
auto_create_collection true
partitioned_collection true
localtime true
time_format %Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S
add_time_field true
time_field_name time
add_tag_field true
tag_field_name tag
(2) Partitioned Collection Case
@type tail # input plugin
path /var/log/apache2/access.log # monitoring file
pos_file /tmp/fluentd_pos_file # position file
format apache # format
tag documentdb.access # tag
<match documentdb.*>
@type documentdb
docdb_account_key Tl1xykQxnExUisJ+BXwbbaC8NtUqYVE9kUDXCNust5aYBduhui29Xtxz3DLP88PayjtgtnARc1PW+2wlA6jCJw==
docdb_database mydb
docdb_collection my-partitioned-collection
auto_create_database true
auto_create_collection true
partitioned_collection true
partition_key host
offer_throughput 10100
localtime true
time_format %Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S
add_time_field true
time_field_name time
add_tag_field true
tag_field_name tag
Sample inputs and expected records
An expected output record for sample input will be like this:
Sample Input (apache access log) - - [17/Jan/2016:05:03:25 +0000] "GET /foo/bar/test.html HTTP/1.1" 304 179 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.111 Safari/537.36"
Output Record
id : d2b2ece8-b948-41ae-a894-0ed1266e242a,
host :,
user : -,
method : GET,
path : /foo/bar/test.html,
code : 304,
size : 179,
referer : -,
agent : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.111 Safari/537.36,
time : 20160117-05:03:25,
tag : documentdb.access
Running test code
$ git clone
$ cd fluent-plugin-documentdb
# edit CONFIG params of test/plugin/test_documentdb.rb
$ vi test/plugin/test_documentdb.rb
# run test
$ rake test
Creating package, running and testing locally
$ rake build
$ rake install:local
# running fluentd with your fluent.conf
$ fluentd -c fluent.conf -vv &
# send test apache requests for testing plugin ( only in the case that input source is apache access log )
$ ab -n 5 -c 2 http://localhost/foo/bar/test.html
- Support automatic data expiration with TTL (Time-to-Live ). See Expire data in DocumentDB collections automatically with time to live
Change log
- Collecting logs into Azure DocumentDB using fluent-plugin-documentdb
- fluent-plugin-documentdb supports Partitioned collections
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
Copyright | Copyright (c) 2016- Yoichi Kawasaki |
License | Apache License, Version 2.0 |