OpenStack Storage Service (Swift) plugin for Fluent
This gem is based on hard work of:
It is simplified and refactored version of this gem.
Use OpenStack environment variables to configure parameters dynamically:
@log_level debug
@type forward
@log_level debug
<filter app.rails>
@type parser
key_name messages
@type json
<match app.rails>
@type copy
@type swift
auth_url "#{ENV['OS_AUTH_URL']}"
auth_user "#{ENV['OS_USERNAME']}"
auth_api_key "#{ENV['OS_PASSWORD']}"
auth_tenant "#{ENV['OS_TENANT_NAME']}"
auth_region "#{ENV['OS_REGION']}"
ssl_verify false
swift_container app_rails_logs
flush_mode interval
flush_interval 5m
flush_thread_count 2
<match fluent.**>
@type null
<match **>
@type stdout