fluent-plugin-redis-counter is a fluent plugin to count-up/down redis keys.
fluent-plugin-redis-counter is hosted by RubyGems.org.
$fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-redis-counter
<match redis_counter.**>
type redis_counter
host localhost
port 6379
# database number is optional.
db_number 0 # 0 is default
# match condition
# this pattern matches {"status": "200", "url": "http://foo.example.com"} and then,
# increment Redis key "foo-status2xx" by calling Redis::incrby( "foo-status2xx", 1 ).
match_status ^2[0-9][0-9]$ # matches with {"status": "200", ...
match_url ^http:\/\/foo\. # matches with {"url": "http://foo.example.com", ...
count_key foo-status2xx # key-name for Redis
count_value 1 # count-up amount(default: 1, negative value is allowed)
# time-dependent redis keyname
# for example, "foo-status2xx-%Y-%m-%d" will be formatted to "foo-status2xx-2012-06-21".
# rules for placeholder(%Y, etc.) is similar to out_file plugin.
match_status ^2[0-9][0-9]$
count_key_format foo-statux2xx-%d
localtime # time-zone(default: localtime, it can be "utc" or "localtime")
# you can also use values from the matched JSON record in the key name, by using the
# syntax foo%_{key1}-%_{key2}, where key1 and key2 are keys in the JSON record that
# was received by fluentd.
# for example, "customer:%_{customer_id}:status2xx" will be formatted to
# "customer:123:status2xx" if the JSON record contains a key named "customer_id"
# with value 123, like so: {"status": 200, "customer_id": 123 ... }.
# these can be combined with the time formatting options in the previous example.
match_status ^2[0-9][0-9]$
count_key_format customer:%_{customer_id}:status2xx-%Y-%m-%d
# you can also sum up specified key with count_value_key option.
# for example, {"count": 321, "customer_id": 123 ... }.
# INCRBY item_count:123 321.
count_key_format item_count:%_{item_id}
count_value_key count
prepare a conf file ("fluent.conf") in current directory like this:
type forward
<match debug.**>
type redis_counter
host localhost
port 6379
db_number 0
match_status ^2[0-9][0-9]$
match_url ^http:\/\/foo\.
count_key foo
run commands for test:
$redis-server 2>&1 >/dev/null &
[1] 879
$echo del foo | redis-cli -h localhost -p 6379 -n 0
(integer) 0
$fluentd -c ./fluent.conf 2>&1 >/dev/null &
[2] 889
$echo {\"status\": \"200\", \"url\": \"http://foo.example.com\"} | fluent-cat debug
$echo {\"status\": \"500\", \"url\": \"http://foo.example.com\"} | fluent-cat debug
$kill -s HUP 889
$echo get foo | redis-cli -h localhost -p 6379 -n 0
- Copyright © 2012 Buntaro Okada
- Copyright © 2011-2012 Yuki Nishijima
- Apache License, Version 2.0