fluent-plugin-retag, a plugin for Fluentd
Output plugin only retagging.
- simple retag
- remove tag prefix
- add tag prefix
Simple Configuration
To retag foo.bar to hoge.fuga:
<match foo.bar>
@type retag
tag hoge.fuga
To retag foo.bar.** to xyz.bar.**:
<match foo.bar>
@type retag
remove_prefix foo
add_prefix xyz
Useful Configuration
If you want to use branch condition, it is useful to use out_copy with fluent-plugin-retag.
<match foo.bar.**>
@type copy
@type retag
add_prefix copied
<match copied.foo.bar.**>
- Copyright (c) 2013- Masahiro Yamauchi
- License
- Apache License, Version 2.0