No release in over a year
Fluentd plugin to extract data from Shodan


~> 13
~> 3.5


>= 0.12.0, < 2
~> 2.0
 Project Readme


Unit tests Ruby Gem GPR Gem Version

The Shodan plugin offers Fluentd capacities to gather data from shodan and send them to whatever system you want (on the condition Fluentd has an output plugin fitting your needs).

The Shodan plugin can adress three ways of gathering data

The outputed "logs" follow the Shodan Banner specification.

A valid API key will be necessary for this plugin to work. The Shodan Search plugin will work with a Free account with limited functionnalities, but the Shodans Stream and the Shodan Alert plugins will need at least a membership to work.



$ gem install fluent-plugin-shodan


Add following line to your Gemfile:

gem "fluent-plugin-shodan"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Shodan Search

Example configuration

  @type shodan_search
  interval 15m
  tag shodan.ssh
  query ssh
  api_key 1234567890AZERTYUIOP

How it works

When Fluentd is started with in_shodan_search, it will create a Shodan client and passes to it the API key. It will then query the Shodan API to get the account information to check if the API key is valid. If it is not, an error will be logged and the plugin will stop.

Once the client is ready, a timer will be set to query the Shodan API a the interval set up in the configuration. One line of "log" will be generated per element contained in the matches array from the query result. An other query will be submitted to gather data from the next page if

  • the amount of read entries is lesser than the total available entries
  • the current read page is not greater than the max_pages parameter

Plugin helpers


api_key (string) (required)

The API key to connect to the Shodan API.

interval (time) (optional)

The interval time between running queries.

Default value: 3600.

tag (string) (optional)

The tag to apply to each shodan entries.

query (string) (optional)

The Shodan query to execute. The query can be empty if at least one filter is set.

Default: nil

max_pages (integer) (optional)

The maximum amount of pages to crawl. A 0 or negative value means to crawl all pages. Note that if you have a free account, querying a page other than the first one will result in a HTTP 401 response.

Default value: 1.

filter (optional) (multi)

name (string) (required)

The name of the filter to be added to the query. Full filters list is available on the Shodan filter reference page. The filter can be negated by prepending - to the filter name (ex: name -port).

value (string) (required)

The value to be passed to the filter.

Shodan Stream


Shodan Alert

Example configuration

  @type shodan_alert
  interval 15m
  api_key 1234567890AZERTYUIOP

How it works

When Fluentd is started with in_shodan_alert, it will create a Shodan client and passes to it the API key. It will then query the Shodan API to get the account information to check if the API key is valid. If it is not, an error will be logged and the plugin will stop.

Once the client is ready, a timer will be set to query the Shodan Streaming API a the interval set up in the configuration. One line of log will be generated for each alert yield by the API.

Plugin helpers


api_key (string) (required)

The API key to connect to the Shodan API.

interval (time) (optional)

The interval time between running queries.

Default value: 3600.

tag (string) (optional)

The tag to apply to each shodan entries. If none are given, the alert name will be used to tag each associated emitted log.

Default value: nil

alert_id (string) (optional)

The identifier of the alert to crawl. If none are given, all alerts are imported.

Default value: nil


Unit tests

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install all dependencies with bundle install
  3. Set the SHODAN_TEST_API_KEY environment variable with your API key
  4. Run rake or rake test

Live tests

On a system where fluentd is installed

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Build the gem with gem build fluent-plugin-shodan.gemspec
  3. Install the built gem with fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-shodan-<version>.gem
  4. Follow the debugging guide from FluentD


This plugin heavily relies on the shodanz gem by Kent 'picat' Gruber which makes it really easy to query the Shodan API.


  • Copyright(c) 2022 Marc-AndrĂ© Doll
  • License
    • Apache License, Version 2.0