Flushing Flash¶ ↑
To provide helper methods for handling rails flash messages.
Installation¶ ↑
Rails 3.0¶ ↑
Put the following into the Gemfile and run ‘bundle install`
gem 'flushing_flash'
Usage¶ ↑
1. To push a flash message¶ ↑
push_flash(message_type, *args)
1.1. push_flash(:success) { message_type: :success, content: I18n.t("flashes.#{controller_name}.#{action_name}.success", {}) } 1.2. push_flash(:failure, "User is not authenticated!") # note that the 2nd param is a **String**! { message_type: :failure, content: "User is not authenticated!" } 1.3. push_flash(:failure, :"users.authenticate") # note that the 2nd param is a **Symbol**! { message_type: :failure, content: I18n.t("flashes.users.authenticate.failure", {}) } 1.4. push_flash(:success, name: "Peter") { message_type: :success, content: I18n.t("flashes.#{controller_name}.#{action_name}.success", name: "Peter") } 1.5. push_flash(:failure, :"users.authenticate", name: "Peter") { message_type: :success, content: I18nt("flashes.users.authenticate.failure", name: "Peter") } 1.6. push_flash(:success, name: "Peter", target: :signin_form) the target will not be passed to the I18n.t! Instead, it is a keyword for identifying the target receving the message. see the (2) part.
2. To pull flash messages from a target¶ ↑
2.1. pull_flash # pull from :default target [{message_type: ..., content: ...}, { message_type: ..., content: ...}, ...] 2.2. pull_flash(:signin_form) [{message_type: ..., content: ...}, { message_type: ..., content: ...}, ...]
3. To check if a target has flash messages or not¶ ↑
3.1. has_flash? true / false 3.2. has_flash?(:signin_form) true / false
4. To return currently hard-coded view for the messages in the target¶ ↑
*** TODO: provide a better way to customize the html output ***
4.1. flush_flash <div class="alert-message #{message_type} fade in"> <a href="#" class="close">x</a> <p>#{content.html_safe}</p> </div> 4.2. flush_flash(:signin_form) <div class="alert-message #{message_type} fade in"> <a href="#" class="close">x</a> <p>#{content.html_safe}</p> </div>
5. To use self-defined partial for rendering the flash messages¶ ↑
flush_flash(target=:default, options={})
5.1 flush_flash(using: "shared/flash_messages") HTML output for the partial app/views/shared/_flash_messages.html.erb
Change Logs¶ ↑
0.2.3¶ ↑
fixed error if passing ‘:using` to pull `flush_flash` method. Now you could make use of `:using` option to use your own partial for rendering the flash messages.