fluxxor-rails wraps the fluxxor library in a Rails engine for simple use with the asset pipeline provided by Rails 3.1 and higher. The gem includes the development (non-minified) source for ease of exploration. The asset pipeline will minify in production.
fluxxor is a set of Flux architecture tools for React. Please see the documentation for details.
Add the following to your gemfile:
gem 'fluxxor-rails'
Add the following directive to your Javascript manifest file (application.js):
//= require fluxxor
fluxxor-rails 1.7.3 == fluxxor 1.7.3
Every attempt is made to mirror the currently shipping fluxxor version number wherever possible. The major, minor, and patch version numbers will always represent the fluxxor version. Should a gem bug be discovered, a 4th version identifier will be added and incremented.
This gem references momentjs-rails for test and versioning structure.