Display user notifications in Rails programmatically.
gem install flyer
# config/initializers/flyer.rb
# Use one init block for each notification
Flyer::Notification.init do |config|
# Unique id. Used to uniquely identify a notification. = "new-user"
# Message to be passed to view. Is evaluated in the view context.
config.message { "Your nickname is #{current_user.nickname}" + icon("flash") }
# Optional. Path to be pssed to view. Is evaluated in the controller context.
config.path { root_path }
# Optional. Only display notification if this blocks evaluates to true
# The block is evaluated in the controller context.
config.on { current_user.admin? and not first_visit? }
# Optional. Number of times to display the notification
# for each user. Default is 1.
config.limit = 1
# Optional. When should the notification be visible?
config.valid = { from: "2015-04-01", to: "2016-04-01" }
# Optional. Arbitrary data to be passed to view.
config.params = { timeout: 10 }
# Global configuration
Flyer.configure do |config|
# Only display one notification at the time
config.max_notifications = 1
-- app/views/_notifications.html.erb (any view)
<% notifications.each do |notification| %>
<%= notification.path %>
<%= notification.message %>
<%= notification.params %>
<% end %>