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An efficient, simple, and intuitive Facebook Open Graph library.


~> 1.2.0
~> 1.5.1
 Project Readme


Fogli is a Facebook Open Graph Library.


Facebook introduced the Graph API in April, 2010. This API is intended to replace their existing "RESTful API" in the future. Mature Facebook libraries such as Facebooker are heavily tied to the RESTful API and have not started supporting the Open Graph.

At the time of Fogli's creation, there were a handful of other libraries claiming to be Facebook Graph libraries, but I found them unsatisfactory since they did not meet any or all of the following requirements:

  • Minimizes query calls
  • Strong feature support
  • Intuitive object model
  • Independent library; not tied to any web framework

Fogli aims to expose the objects of the Facebook Graph through an intuitive object oriented interface while minimizing the number of queries needed to access data through lazy loading and caching. Fogli is not tied to any web framework and can run standalone perfectly fine.

Supported Features

Below is a list of supported Facebook Graph features:

  • Authorization via OAuth
  • Reading objects (User, Page, etc.)
  • Reading object connections
  • Deleting objects
  • Scoping top level objects by fields
  • Scoping connections by limit, offset, since, until, and fields
  • Liking/unliking posts

The list below is a list of unsupported features, but development is planned in the near future:

  • More support for publishing (posting comments, attending events, etc.)
  • Search
  • Real time updates
  • Analytics

Have a feature request? Submit it on the GitHub Issues page, or fork and send me a patch!

Getting Started

Install Fogli:

gem install fogli

Next, you can do a few things:

  • Open an IRB session and begin playing. Fogli isn't tied to any framework, so you can see it work right away:

      >> require "fogli"
      >> m = Fogli::User["mitchellh"]
      => "Mitchell Hashimoto"
  • Run the examples in the examples/ directory to see how to access basic connections and also use {Fogli::OAuth OAuth} to access authorized data.

  • Read the documentation here! For more specific, class by class documentation, please read the source-generated documentation.

Reading Data and Accessing Connections

Reading public information is straightforward and requires no configuration:

u = Fogli::User["mitchellh"]
p u.first_name # "Mitchell"
p u.last_name  # "Hashimoto"

Accessing connections (relationships to data) is also intuitive and easy:

u.feed.each do |item|
  p item

You can also request multiple objects in a single request:

users = Fogli::User.find("btaylor", "arjun")
p users[0].name
p users[1].name

Want to request multiple objects of different types in a single request? You can do that, too:

album, user = Fogli::Dynamic.find(141048101, "mitchellh")
p album.class # Fogli::Album
p user.class  # Fogli::User

Authentication, Authorization, and Accessing Private Data

To access private data, Facebook requires that the you gain an access_token by asking the user to authorize your application. This is a two-step process. The example before uses Sinatra with Fogli to authorize a user and print his or her email:

# Set these configuration values. The keys are retrieved from
# registering an application with Facebook. These can all be
# set on the actual method calls later as well.
Fogli.client_id = "..."
Fogli.client_secret = "..."
Fogli.redirect_uri = ""

get "/" do
  # Redirect the user to authorized, asking for email permissions
  redirect Fogli::OAuth.authorize(:scope => "email")

get "/verify"
  # Facebook redirects back to this page with a GET parameter `code`
  # which is used to get the access token. This token should also be
  # stored in a cookie or some session storage to be set on subsequent pages.
  Fogli.access_token = Fogli::OAuth.access_token(:code => params[:code])

  # Print authorized data to prove we're allowed!

Checking if a user is already authenciated is easy as well:

# Set from cookies, perhaps
Fogli.access_token = cookies[:access_token]

# Verify its valid
if Fogli::User.authorized?
  # valid!
  # reauthenticate

Accessing Connections with Scopes

Facebook data connections are typically relationships to massive amounts of data, most of which you're not interested in. By scoping the data, you can limit the data to only what you want, and optimize the queries made by Fogli in the process:

# Assuming we're authenticated (above)
u = Fogli::User[:me]

# We just want feed times since yesterday, and we're only interested
# in 10 of them:
u.feed.since("yesterday").limit(10).each do |item|
  # Do something with the item

# Another example: We want to access all the user's friends, but only
# want their first and last name:
u.friends.fields(:first_name, :last_name).each do |friend|
   p "Friend: #{friend.first_name} #{friend.last_name}"

Lazy Loading and Caching

Everything in Fogli is lazy-loaded. This means that data is loaded on demand and no queries are made until you need the data. So, how many HTTP queries do you think User[:me].feed.since("yesterday") takes? Since no property was ever access on the user, only 1 query is used (to get the feed items since yesterday).

Additionally, once the data is loaded, it is cached to minimize the number of queries needed:

# This is also only one query, the entire script, even though the
# items are accessed 4 times.
items = Fogli::User[:me].feed.since("yesterday")
items.each {}
items.each {}
items.each {}
items.each {}