FormStack API client that can extract conditional logic.
Some missing methods like editing or deleting a form will be added along the way but we also encourage you do implement them and submitting a PR 👍
1) Usage
Create an initializer and set your formstack oauth token.
FormStalker.configure do |config|
config.oauth_token = 'your formstack oauth token'
Make requests to FormStack and receive a sanitized response
response = FormStalker.form(1)
# don't trust (response.status == :ok) because Formstack API does not respect the HTTP status codes
if response.ok?
form_data = # returns a FormStalker::Data::Form instance
response.status # returns a symbol representing FormStack's HTTP status
response.error # returns a message string explaining the error
2) FormStalker.form
response = FormStalker.form(1)
raise response.error unless response.ok?
form_data = # returns an integer
form_data.created # returns a date
form_data.deleted # returns a boolean
form_data.fields # returns an array of FormStalker::Data::FormField instances
# etc.
form_data.attributes # returns a Hash with all of its data
# and the one your are probably looking for
form_data.logic # returns an instance of FormStalker::Data::FormFieldsLogic
form_data.logic.logic_field_ids # returns an array of field ids that have logic
form_data.logic.calc_field_ids # returns an array of field ids
form_data.logic.checks # returns an array of Hashes with the actual logic
# Example of what can be inside the #checks
target: 37314714,
action: 'Show',
bool: 'AND',
fields: [41111633],
checks: [{ field: 41111633, condition: '==', option: 'Option1' }]
target: 40952921,
action: 'Show',
bool: 'AND',
fields: [37314736],
checks: [{ field: 37314736, condition: '!=', option: 'Option1' }]
target: 37314784,
action: 'Show',
bool: 'AND',
fields: [37314745],
checks: [{ field: 37314745, condition: '==', option: '0' }]
2) FormStalker.form_fields
response = FormStalker.form_fields(1)
raise response.error unless response.ok?
form_fields = # returns an array of FormStalker::Data::FormField instances
form_fields.each do |form_fields_data| # returns an integer
form_fields_data.required # returns an boolean
# etc.
form_fields_data.attributes # returns a Hash with all of its data
4) Instalation
Add this to your Gemfile:
gem 'form_stalker'
And then execute:
$> bundle install
3) F.A.Q.
- wip