This is built around the Enigma infrastructure standards and is meant to be used in chef cookbooks and as part of a knife plugin.
Ruby gem to handle passing and retrieving node and service information from and to etcd
swedish = SwedishChef.new(etcd_ip, etcd_port)
swedish.environment = 'production'
node = swedisch.node('node1')
service = swedish.service('memcached')
service.endpoints <- returns an array of endpoints
endpoint1 = service.endpoints[1]
## Below should throw an error if no other endpoint exists to promote
service.demote_endpoint(endpoint1) <- should select a new master and demote the old
## print the role of each endpoint
service.endpoints.each do |endpoint|
puts endpoint.role
## promote all nodes not already master
unless endpoint.role == 'master'
The result should be that the node gets registered/checks in to etcd.
If the service did not already exist in the environment then the first node to create the service by checking in will be declared master.
both the node and service will be registered under environment in etcd/keys like etcd/keys/production/services/memcached and etcd/keys/production/nodes/ip
storage for our environment is another interesting challenge and while it is a service it should also be a seperate entity.
etcd/keys/production/storage/jira_data/master <- master storage server hosting jira_data etcd/keys/production/storage/jira_data/slaves/host1/last_sync <- 20130930012145
storage can and should be declared similarly to declaring a service.