Gems adds dynamic functionality for 'city-state' gem. For example, you choose some country and automatically you receive all states for that country, then you choose state and receive all cities for that state using ajax. All databases are taken from MaxMind.
Add this line to your Rails application's Gemfile:
gem 'full_country_select'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Then you should run generator rails g full_country_select:install which will add routes, helpers and assets to your app. You should define root in your routes to work generator properly or you can take code from generator and insert it manually to proper files.
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install full_country_select
Your form should include the following params and ids: :country, :state, :city. For example(search form):
= form_tag(some_path) do
= select_tag(:country, options_for_select(get_countries),{class: 'form-control', include_blank: true})
= select_tag(:state, {}, {class: 'form-control'})
= select_tag(:city, {}, {class: 'form-control'})
If you want to use country select for objects and to get selected one from db, you should do like that:
= form_for @object do |f|
= f.select :country, get_countries, {}, id: 'country'
= f.select :state, selected_state(@object), {}, id: 'state'
= f.select :city, selected_city(@object), {}, id: 'city'
You have the following helpers: get_countries - returns countries list, selected_state(obj) and selected_city(obj) - helpers that require your object and return selected value. Of course, your object should include fields: country(string), state(string), city(integer).
Of course, you can get country/state/city title by it's code. Thus you have 3 helpers: country_name(obj), state_name(obj), city_name(obj) which receive your object as an argument.
[link to Example!] (https://jobbber.herokuapp.com/jobs)