GacoCMS is a simple CMS for Rails application. It allows you to create pages with custom fields and themes. It is a vanilla CMS with no other dependencies except Rails
and liquid
How to use my plugin.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'gaco_cms', github: 'owen2345/gaco_cms'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
$ rails db:migrate
Generate config file and basic templates
$ rails g gaco_cms:install
Check the config/initilizers/gaco_cms.rb
file to customize the settings, like the controller to manage authentication, the default theme, etc.
Add //= link gaco_cms
in app/assets/config/manifest.js
Extra fields
color_settings = {
tpl: 'my_fields/color',
default_value_tpl: 'my_fields/color_default_value',
translatable: false,
label: { en: 'Color' }
GacoCms::Config.add_extra_field(:color, color_settings)
Sample cms settings
GacoCms::Config.parent_front_controller = 'ApplicationController'
GacoCms::Config.parent_backend_controller = 'Admin::BaseController'
GacoCms::Config.front_layout = ->(_controller) { 'application' }
- page_content
- page_title
- page_photo
- page_field
- page_field_tpl
- page_img_field
- page_field_multiple
- page_grouped_fields
Contribution directions go here.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Build assets
This gem is published with precompiled assets to reduce dependencies and conflicts with the host application. So, every time you make changes to the assets, you need to recompile them and commit to the repository.
docker-compose run test bash
yarn build && yarn build:css && yarn build:css_front
Commit the changes to the repository
- add github action to do pre-compilation automatically
- copy static assets into vendor/fontawesome and vendor/tinymce
- Migration create default active theme
- Instead of themes, use themes, use sites (1 site by default)
- Migration create default page_type :pages, :posts, and sample page + sample post
- key make single varchar instead of jsonb
- Move default data created by migration to rake task:initial_data or initializer
- Once saved a page content, restore iframe scroll to previous position
- Add button "Open page" when page form
- Make page content field larger
- Add components instead of group fields