Welcome to the games_bfox gem!
Ruby 2.4.0, rbenv 1.1.1
How to Run
...from the command line
To run from command line, you must install the gem on your machine:
$ gem install games_bfox
To play either game (choosing at run time), type the following into your command line:
$ games
To play Mastermind, type the following into your command line:
$ mastermind
To play Tic Tac Toe, type the following into your command line:
$ tictactoe
To exit at any time, type the following into your command line:
$ exit
...from inside the project
Clone the project, cd into the project directory, and then run the following commands:
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec ruby lib/games.rb
How to Test
From inside the project directory, run the following command:
$ bundle exec rspec