Run your own gem server that fetches from github, uses tags as version and builds gems on demand
- no gem pushing / works with old versions of you private repos
- no permission issues (you can only install what you have github access to)
gem install gem_on_demand
gem-on-demand --server
Specify source with `http://localhost:7154/{user} in your Gemfile,
{user} is most likely your organization.
# source "" # need normal gems too ?
source "http://localhost:7154/grosser" # gem i gem_on_demand && gem-on-demand --server
gem "parallel"
gem "bump"
Always add and commit vendor/cache
directory so gems can be installed on servers
mkdir -p vendor/cache
- first bundle might fail because it takes to long, just keep trying until everything is cached
- cache is in
in case you need to clean out some mistakes - only the most recent 50 versions are fetched for efficiency
- heavily forked projects (rails/mysql/mysql) are not fetched for efficiency
- cache is updated every 15 minutes to look for new tags, be patient or use
- port is
= 7154
-s, --server Start server
-e, --expire Expire gem cache for {user}/{project}
-p, --port PORT Port for server (default 7154)
-h, --help Show this.
-v, --version Show Version
Boxen + passenger
Run it in the background!
# modules/projects/manifests/gem_on_demand.pp
class projects::gem_on_demand {
require team::dependency::config
$dir = "${somewhere}/gem_on_demand"
$ruby = $team::dependency::config::ruby_version
boxen::project { 'gem_on_demand':
ruby => $ruby,
source => '',
dir => $dir,
nginx => "projects/gem_on_demand.conf.erb",
# modules/projects/templates/gem_on_demand.conf.erb
server {
listen 7154;
root <%= @dir %>/public;
passenger_ruby <%= scope.lookupvar "ruby::params::rbenv_root" %>/versions/<%= @ruby %>/bin/ruby;
passenger_enabled on;
- Project methods use 2 different levels of abstraction .. maybe split ...
- check how rubygems handles pre-release (x.y.z.PRE)
- convert to thor + subcommand
Michael Grosser
License: MIT