Find out if a given gem and version is outdated or not.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile then bundle
gem "gem_outdated"
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install gem_outdated
Suppose latest Rails is 5.1.4.
# Tells latest when asked a outdated version
GemOutdated.outdated?("rails", "5.1.2")
=> "5.1.4"
# Already latest
GemOutdated.outdated?("rails", "5.1.4")
=> false
# Newer than latest
GemOutdated.outdated?("rails", "5.1.5.rc1")
=> false
# Returns false when Version not exists
GemOutdated.outdated?("rails", "")
=> false
# Gem not exists raises an error
GemOutdated.outdated?("greatest_rails", "1.0.0")
=> GemOutdated::RubygemsAPI::GemNotFound
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- MIT license
- Moya Contributors Guidelines which TLDR: means we give out push access easily and often.