Allows for handling of day-to-day tasks in a small school, think cultural center that offers classes.
For the cultural center-part, the following functions are implemented:
- Rights management (for students, secretary, director, admin, ...)
- Creation of courses (using templates for different courses)
- Sign up of students to courses
- Entering grades of students
- Creating diplomas
- Accounting
- Payments of students
- Internet-usage
- Other, simple 2-way accounting
There is also a network-part which has the following functions:
- Sharing with samba (public, read and read-write access)
- Internet-gateway using usb-modems or Ethernet-port
- Access-control of students when installed as captive gateway
- Controlling internet-credit, works for now only for Chad
It has been tested on ArchLinux running on different ARM-boxes (Dreamplug, Smileplug and Cubox-i). Most of the parts also run on Ubuntu.
The user-interface is using with a ruby-back-end called QooxView. Different libraries are used:
- AfriCompta - simple accounting program for QooxView
- HelperClasses - some modules to make life easier
- HilinkModem - interface for the infamous hilinkmodems which lack USSD-support!
- Network - captive interface and usb-modems definition
- QooxView - RPC backend for QooxDoo, also implementing a simple ActiveRecord backend with CSV-files
- SerialModem - interface for simple ttyUSB-modems
Unfortunately there is no gem-package available as yet. But a pacman-version exists that you can download under
If you're adventurous, you can try the following:
for s in AfriCompta Gestion HelperClasses HilinkModem Network QooxView SerialModem; do
git clone$s
cd Gestion
Which 'should work' (tm).