git subcommand of browse/modify issue traker's tickets.
now available issue-tracker system is Redmine and Github-issues.
$ gem install git-issue
$ git clone
$ cd git-issue
$ gem install jeweler
$ rake install
set type of issue traking system(redmine or github)
$ git config issue.type redmine
set url of issue traking system's api endopoint.
$ git config issue.url
set api-key for accessing issue traking system.
$ git config issue.apikey FWeaj3I9laei03A....
set repository name if using github.
$ git config issue.repo gitterb
set your account name if using github.
$ git config issue.user yuroyoro
Configuration(Github Issues)
set type of issue traking system(redmine or github)
$ git config issue.type github
set user and password of github(for authentication)
$ EDITOR=vim pit set github
git issue <command> [ticket_id] [<args>]
show s show given issue summary. if given no id, geuss id from current branch name.
view v view issue in browser. if given no id, geuss id from current branch name.
list l listing issues.
mine m display issues that assigned to you.
commit c commit with filling issue subject to messsage.if given no id, geuss id from current branch name.
add a create issue.
update u update issue properties. if given no id, geuss id from current branch name.
branch b checkout to branch using specified issue id. if branch dose'nt exisits, create it. (ex ticket/id/<issue_id>)
publish pub push branch to remote repository and set upstream
rebase rb rebase branch onto specific newbase
help h show usage.
local loc listing local branches tickets
project pj listing ticket belongs to sspecified project
-a, --all update all paths in the index file
-f, --force force create branch
-v, --verbose show issue details
-n, --max-count=VALUE maximum number of issues
--oneline display short info
--raw-id output ticket number only
--remote=VALUE on publish, remote repository to push branch
--onto=VALUE on rebase, start new branch with HEAD equal to "newbase"
--debug debug print
-j, --supperss_journals do not show issue journals
-r, --supperss_relations do not show issue relations tickets
-c, --supperss_changesets do not show issue changesets
-q, --query=VALUE filter query of listing tickets
--project_id=VALUE use the given value to create subject
--description=VALUE use the given value to create subject
--subject=VALUE use the given value to create/update subject
--ratio=VALUE use the given value to create/update done-ratio(%)
--status=VALUE use the given value to create/update issue statues id
--priority=VALUE use the given value to create/update issue priority id
--tracker=VALUE use the given value to create/update tracker id
--assigned_to_id=VALUE use the given value to create/update assigned_to id
--category=VALUE use the given value to create/update category id
--fixed_version=VALUE use the given value to create/update fixed_version id
--custom_fields=VALUE value should be specifies '<custom_fields_id1>:<value2>,<custom_fields_id2>:<value2>, ...'
--notes=VALUE add notes to issue
Usage(Github Issues)
git issue <command> [ticket_id] [<args>]
show s show given issue summary. if given no id, geuss id from current branch name.
view v view issue in browser. if given no id, geuss id from current branch name.
list l listing issues.
mine m display issues that assigned to you.
commit c commit with filling issue subject to messsage.if given no id, geuss id from current branch name.
add a create issue.
update u update issue properties. if given no id, geuss id from current branch name.
branch b checkout to branch using specified issue id. if branch dose'nt exisits, create it. (ex ticket/id/<issue_id>)
publish pub push branch to remote repository and set upstream
rebase rb rebase branch onto specific newbase
help h show usage.
mention men create a comment to given issue
-a, --all update all paths in the index file
-f, --force force create branch
-v, --verbose show issue details
-n, --max-count=VALUE maximum number of issues
--oneline display short info
--raw-id output ticket number only
--remote=VALUE on publish, remote repository to push branch
--onto=VALUE on rebase, start new branch with HEAD equal to "newbase"
--debug debug print
-s, --supperss_commentsc show issue journals
--title=VALUE Title of issue.Use the given value to create/update issue.
--body=VALUE Body content of issue.Use the given value to create/update issue.
--state=VALUE Use the given value to create/update issue. or query of listing issues.Where 'state' is either 'open' or 'closed'
--milestone=VALUE Use the given value to create/update issue. or query of listing issues, (Integer Milestone number)
--assignee=VALUE Use the given value to create/update issue. or query of listing issues, (String User login)
--mentioned=VALUE Query of listing issues, (String User login)
--labels=VALUE Use the given value to create/update issue. or query of listing issues, (String list of comma separated Label names)
--sort=VALUE Query of listing issues, (created, updated, comments, default: created)
--direction=VALUE Query of listing issues, (asc or desc, default: desc.)
--since=VALUE Query of listing issue, (Optional string of a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ)
--password=VALUE For Authorizaion of create/update issue. Github API v3 doesn't supports API token base authorization for now. then, use Basic Authorizaion instead token.
--sslnoverify don't verify SSL
Copyright (c) 2011 Tomohito Ozaki. See LICENSE for details.