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Extends git with some scripts that support a tie up with Pivotal Tracker


>= 2.1.2
>= 1.6.1
>= 1.1.8
>= 1.4.2
>= 0.1.4
>= 1.5.1
 Project Readme

Git Workflow Tools

These are a set of git extensions to integrate with Pivotal Tracker.

  • git workflow-setup configures your environment appropriately
  • git start starts a new branch with an associated PT story
  • git finish finishes the current, or given, branch and associated PT story


First you run git workflow-setup and follow the instructions.

If you want to start a PT story all you need to do is:

git start NNNNNN

Where NNNNNN is the PT story number.

When you have finished it your can either do:

git finish

If you're on a branch you want to mark as finished, or:

git finish NNNNNN

To finish the story NNNNNN.


They require certain git configuration settings, either globally or on the project:

  • user.name your name as it appears on PT
  • pt.username your name as it appears on PT (only required if user.name is not correct)
  • pt.token your PT API token (find it on your PT Profile page)
  • pt.projectid the PT ID for your project (the number from the PT URL)
  • workflow.localbranchconvention used to generate the name of the local branch
  • workflow.remotebranchconvention used to generate the name of the remote branch
  • workflow.callbacks the style of interaction you have with git

You are strongly advised to use git workflow-setup to configure these settings.

Obviously these settings can be set globally (user.name, pt.username and pt.token are good candidates for this) or at the individual git repository level. It is highly recommended that pt.projectid be set on a per-project basis, obviously. Remember that if these are set in the project then they override the global settings, which can be useful if you work with several different PT accounts across several different projects.


The behaviour of what happens when you issue git start or git finish is driven by hooks. At the moment there a couple of forms of hooks included in the code:

  • default creates a branch or merges a branch
  • debug built on top of default, this simply adds more debugging output
  • mine performs the steps I use for this (and other) projects
  • sanger performs the steps used by Production Software at The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute

The workflow for sanger is easy to describe:

  • git start creates a branch from the head of master and marks the PT story started
  • git finish runs rake test features and the pushes the branch to the remote repository

My workflow, used by mine, is a little more complex:

  • git start creates a branch from the head of master and marks the PT story started
  • git finish runs rake spec features, merges the branch into master, runs rake spec features, then pushes master to the remote repository

Should the rake steps fail for either of these workflows then the subsequent steps are not performed, i.e. the branch won't be pushed for git finish if sanger is being used.

Branch conventions

The idea for workflow.localbranchconvention and workflow.remotebranchconvention is that you can have your personal preference for naming branches in your local repository, and a common format for the branch names in the remote repository. For instance, I might have story ID followed by title as a local convention, you might have the reverse, and the remote repository might have a completely different convention.

The two branch convention settings are freeform text with substitutions. Values that can be substituted are:

  • number is the PT story number for the story
  • name is the name of the PT story

For instance, "${number}_${name}" will generate a branch of the form 12345_some_new_feature, if this is for story 12345 and that story has the name 'Some new feature'. The final branch will have non-alphanumeric characters replaced by underscore.

WARNING: I've not properly tested this with other information being placed inside the convention settings, so you're on your own if you try something different! The git workflow-setup command will only choose between the two possible combinations.